Chapter 2

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I've waited at the bus stop for a while. I just thought about everything. Maybe I am ready for the world, over been through many struggles tonight. I have been hurt, I've seen others being hurt and I've seen the kindness of strangers. I would say I'm really fucking prepared to move out.

The bus pulled up and I boarded.

I scanned the card, but the screen reads something treacherous.


I tried scanning it a few more times, but the same result taunted me. I was lucky it was so late, nobody else was on the bus. I checked my watch; 2am. I had a small stroke as I scanned the card another hundred times. "Sorry darling, No pay, no ride. I could let you in if you rode me." The man let out a shrill laugh and I had another small stroke.

"I'll pay for her." A voice spoke. It was native, Australian. I turned around to see my Savior, Luke. The smile faded from the drivers face. Luke pulled out another bus card and scanned me on. I smiled at him, but she rolled his eyes and moved onto the bus. Someones GRUMPY.

Pretty fucking grumpy for someone who just one a thousand dollars due to a distraction from my half. I made a horrific girly noise and the bus moved on. I contemplated where I was going to sit. I could sit next to a bus driver that would violate any privacy I had, or I could sit next to an ungrateful, grumpy bum.

I chose the latter.

I moved up and took the seat in front of Luke. I pulled out my mp3 player, which is honestly like one of those USB ones from 2006. I groaned and thought about my wallet, I couldent pull out anything because I lost my fucking wallet.

A heavy parcel was placed onto my shoulder. I looked and saw my wallet and a squeal of delight filled the bus. "NO FUCKING ON THE BUS!" The bus driver had one thing on his mind, and it made me sick to the stomach. "Where did you find this?" I asked. Luke sighed and ran his hands through his hair, his messy hair. " you dropped it when you body slammed me. Now be quiet."

And the mute has a voice. "No. That was my brother you maimed." His eyes widened, but then a grin wafted onto his pink lips. "Why were you cheering for me? Is it my smile, its my smile isn't it." I giggled and turned to face him. "No, whilst I was watching you pummel him, I felt no remorse. He nearly broke my hand in the locker room. That was when I 'bodyslammed' you."

Luke's eyes widened. "What a kind brother. Why were you in Iron Knuckles, anyway? Wanting to fight? Girls can fight there, although I wouldn't be able to fight you, you're too young." I muttered a few colourful words. "I was collecting my brother. And I'm not a child, I'm 17 and a-"

"17 and a 1/2, you've told me. You're too young for me. I'm in the middle aged group, I'm 24." I would still bang you. "Nearly 8 years older than me, how menacing. Being tiny has perks." He rolled his eyes. "That's great. I don't want to be your friend. Just thanking you for distracting the meat head." Meat head? Meat head! Ugh, He was beating Luke, and he would have won the money if I didn't open my boy infatuated mouth.

I scoffed and yanked my mp3 played out, stuffing the music buds into my ears. Good Charlotte rang through my ears, the stops flashed past. Half an hour passed and my stop had arrived. Luke got up and walked off the bus, and I scurried after him. I scanned my card off (because he used mine to pay for myself.) But before I could get out, the doors shut.

And here comes my long chain of strokes. The first stroke came just then, swiftly followed by the second. The bus driver stood up and grinned. "You're mine now, pretty. No boys to stop me now." Third followed by fourth. His grubby hands grabbed my waist and his drunken mouth onto my neck. He pushed me up against the door. I screamed and slapped every part of the man's body.

I felt A slamming against the doors, I looked back and saw a panicking Luke. "LUKE!" I screamed, the bus driver covered my mouth and I bit down hard. No matter how hard Luke punched the doors, they didn't break.

This is how it's going to end for my innocence, 3am on a bus to a bus driver. His foul mouth attached itself onto my mouth, shoving his slimy tongue into my mouth. I screamed, not kissing back. Luke's shouting got louder, and then stopped.

Seconds later the bus door shattered. I fell out of the bus, and the driver fell onto me. Luke quickly pushed the drunkard off me and picked me up. "THAT FUCK! HOW DARE HE TOUCH YOU ANYWHERE!" I he shouted. I cried into his jacket, crying. He ran and ran and ran. We stopped behind an alley. "Open your mouth!" I didn't disobey.

He sprayed tonnes of breath freshener into my mouth. "I won't stop until the feeling of him is gone." I spat out the mouth freshener. He pulled out a little bottle of Listerine and poured it into my mouth. I garbled for a minute or so and spat it out. "God, have some Listerine strips." I shoved the whole set into my mouth and it burned like a fucking Bitch, but it burned everything from my entire life out. "Fuck, I'll never go on another bus until I die." Luke snickered.

"Seriously, are you okay. Because if anything else entered your body, Something will be missing when he wakes up." I sighed and shook my head. "Well, that wasn't very romantic, he didn't even take me out onto a date." Luke showed his gorgeous teeth and bit his lip ring. "My stop was way before yours. I guess I felt obligated to take care of you."

"I would have lost my virginity tonight if it were not for you." He grinned again. "What can I say? I'm a superhero for beautiful damsels in distress." I gasped. "Lucas, You find me attractive? How baffling!" All signs of happiness were wiped after that. "Luke?"

He stood up and scowled. "Fuck off." I widened my eyes. "Have I wounded your ego?" I got up and tried to be menacing, but being 4'10 is a struggle.

"Oh, just fuck off midget." And with that, Luke left me in an alleyway with quite a few questions.

I still have to return that bus card

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