Chapter 16

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LUKE'S POV (bet you weren't expecting that one.)

She was the epitome of perfection, before I destroyed her.

I was like a flame, her being the fuse. We burned brightly at the start, nobody questionly our affection. Then it started to fade, she got drunk and came home high every night.

Then came the cheating, oh boy that was fun. She cheated on me with my best friend. Calum denied it, said that she was lying. But I knew they fucked, you could see it in their eyes when they glanced at each other.

But then the fuse shortened, getting closer to that stick of dynamite. We fought all the time, especially after the second time she cheated. This time with the owner of Iron Knuckles, which was how I met Melody.

Things started out the same with Melody as they did with the love of my life. But when She found out I was cheating, that fuse burnt right out. She changed, completely and entirely. She wore black and flashed randoms on the street.

She was unmanageable.

I thought I would never see her again, she told me I wouldn't. That's what I tend to do, I take everyone's word. I trust too easily. And that's why I was shocked when she showed up on my front doorstep.

It was raining, Maisie was still asleep on the couch (under the blankets I covered her in.) She was covered in the water from the sky. A sinister grin was plastered against her face. "I spent hours looking for you, trying to find you."

She pushed past me and tracked water into the hallway. "I tell you what, Luke, you made it very hard for me to find you.. You've a nice house." She threw her handbag on the table beside the front door.

"Look, you can't be here." She stopped in her tracks. "Is Melody here?" Her body twisted around, almost like something you'd see in a horror movie. Let's face the truth, Geraldine was the female embodiment of Jason Voorhees.

"No, can't you forget about what happened? We're over, finished. I don't want you anymore." She looked genuinely hurt. "I loved you Luke, but you were too boring. God, you were boring." She trailed her way over to me, hands rubbing my chest.

"You got some muscles, big boy. I heard you joined up in some fight club when you were 16. I lost you at 16, and I have missed you. Word on the street is that you have some skill in the sheets." I knew it, that's all she's ever wanted.

"What happened to you, Gee? You were so nice." She snapped her stare up to my face. "You did. We, us, our kind  - the rebels - we're made for each other. You should stay away from nice girls that sleep on the couch."

I gulped at stared at my feet. "How did you know?" She laughed. Her laugh had changed, it was warm and happy before everything happened, now it's cold and shrill. "Wouldn't it kill Melody if she knew about you two? If she knew your cousin was fucking you."

She knew everything, how did she know everything. "She's not really your cousin, is she? Who am I kidding, of course she isn't. But who am I to know, it's not like I have your house tapped." I felt extremely raw and exposed under her stare.

"She's pretty, she'll hold up a fight. Was I that pretty? Was I your little princess, you sick bastard. Why couldn't you spice things up for us, hey? Why couldn't you chain me up and call me your slut? Calum sure as hell does."

I walked away from her, out the front door. She followed just like she always did. "Why dint you go back to Calum, he's clearly keeping you tame." I was throwing sarcasm into her face as I scanned the tattoos up her arms.

She pulled up her shirt and showed me the two words on her collarbone. Calum Hood. "I do love him, but I love tormenting you more." The front door made a noise as Maisie opened it.

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