Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with a banging (a/n finga bangin hahahahhajdirjmfkfndjejbye) headache. "JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!" I screamed to nobody in particular. My father ran into my room with coffee and Advil. "My dear child, you've matured into a raging alcoholic. And you smelled like sex when you got home. How was he?" This is why I have little faith left in my family.

"Nobody. I went out with Hannah, got smashed and teleported home." I sat up and drank the coffee. He rolled his eyes. "Rosie is set on the fact that you have a boyfriend named Stephen. She said she would impale his head with a sharpened carrot, one from her own garden, of course."

I swallowed the pill and shook my head. "Any other type would be wrong, wrong with the intention of JESUS CHRIST!" A car with incredibly loud music drove past. I sprung up from the bed and pulled my curtains back. "YOU SUCK!" I looked down and saw Bernard lying down on the sidewalk, shaking his fist at the passing car.

"Oh hey, Berny. I see what you mean by hangovers." He simply gave me the finger and went back to sleep. I shrugged and shut the curtains. "Going out tonight?" Dad asked. I pulled my old phone from my satchel and found a message from Hannah.

Hey! I got in with the bodyguard! He said something about free drinks for chicks on Monday's, something about Garfield special. Hit us up if you're coming!

"Give me one reason why not, Father. Try me." He thoughtfully stroked his neck beard and shook his head. "There isn't one. Just lay down on the booze, hot shot." I rolled my eyes and pushed him from my room.


I sat on the bus, next to Luke. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, showing everyone I'm his. I wrapped mine around his waist in return. I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes, and smiled a loving smile. "Youre perfect Ana." Everything went downhill, the bus crashed, everything was burning.

I looked over at Luke and My father took his place. "Its your fault. Stop it, what you're doing is wrong!" Everything went up in flames and I ran out of the bus.

I opened my eyes and I was in a peaceful park, I looked at a blonde boy on the swings. Luke. I grinned and snuck up on him. He let out a shout and he laughed. "You got me Ana." I gasped. "Luke. Luke, it's Maisie. I'm not Ana." He stood up and stared into my eyes. "No. And you'll never be her. So why don't you go kill yourself."

I backed away from Luke, allowing tears to fall. "Lukey. You didn't mean that, take it back....TAKE IT BACK!" I pushed him away from me, and into the road. The flaming bus ran him over.

(a/n: I actually laughed really hard just picturing lukey going for a walk and poof instead of a fan cuddling him a flaming bus did.)


I jerked awake and gasped for air. Gross, I dreamed about Luke being my boyfriend. He's jerky.

I looked at my watch and read the time; 6:43pm. I'm supposed to be meeting Hannah in an hour, so I'm fucked. Whilei get dressed, I keep on thinking back to the dream. What did it mean? Am I going insane, or am I really not meant to drink at all.

The air was especially chilly, so I pulled on my white cardigan and made my way to the bus stop. I've grown quite attached to buses and shit like that recently. I never said I liked them. The drivers are sadistic and so are the people who ride them, who sticks gum on Windows? It's only ever under the seats in the children's tales. But no, in Australia we have colourful children's who enjoy sticking Hubba bubba on Windows, making penises.

The bus rides are tauntingly short. When I say an hour, you would think a painful journey over mountains and through damp trenches but it's really not that bad. When you have music and thoughts to ponder anything can be bearable. Well I'm optimistic today.

My mind wandered, what happened last night. I remember walking to the bus stop, vaguely, and that's where it ended. I can't remember arriving. Oh, God. What is the Percy bus driver was on duty? I could have been used and raped. Suddenly, my body starts burning, especially down there.

The bus stopped and I ran off. I lost my innocence last night, to a drunken bus driver. I couldent rely on Luke forever, and I had learnt that the hard way. I got out of the bus and threw up all over the sidewalk.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" A tall boy who was sitting on the bench stood up and came to my side. "Do I fucking look okay?" He laughed and shook his head. He was fairly attractive.

The thing that stood out was his acid green hair. It looked so fluffy and pullable. "Fuck. That was wonderful." I said while getting off the ground. "Um. I'm Michael. Are you sure you're okay?" I'm obviously not okay, but I just drove 1 hour and I'm not throwing that away. "Yes. I'm Maisie, and I wish I could tell you it's been a pleasure, but that would be a lie."

He grinned and helped me up. "What are you doing here this late? Oh, you got vomit on your cardigan." he was right, I groaned and pulled the cardigan over my head. "I'm supposed to be meeting a friend, but I thought of something that made me throw up. So I ran off the bus and nearly threw up all over an innocent standbyer." I shoved my cardigan into my satchel and wiped my hands down my pants.

The cold air hit me and I shivered. "Where are you going?" He asked, while taking his coat off. "Iron Knuckles. I'm, like I said, meeting a friend." He draped his coat over my shoulders. "Michael, I don't need your coat, it's not even that cold." My nipples protested.

He shook his head and insisted I wore it."Mind if I tag along?" I shrugged. Why not, he seems nice enough. I began to walk towards the brick building and saw a group of people standing outside. I saw Hannah's blonde hair and looked at Michael. "How old are you, Michael?" He looked at the ground as we walked towards the girls. "26." What is with everyone being so much older than I am

Everyone had taken a seat, and I was left out on the corner. Hayley was cracking jokes all over the place , and they honestly wernt even that funny. All the boys were drawn to her, like she had been using voodoo dolls on them.

"Well, Bran and I have been dating for 7 months now and we wanted to celebrate." She raised his glass and laughed. "To new and old friends, Braley forever!" Everyone laughed except for me. I didn't even have a drink, I was too worried about getting smashed again.

I decided to sneak away from the group to go meet some other people. I scanned the crowd and saw the same lady that gave me the bus pass. "Um, hi! You were not here last night, so I'll give it to you now." She grinned and took the card.

"Maisie, right? My name is Bianca, and you've proved very loyal." Okay, this lady is from the 18th century. I nodded and started walking away. "Wait, want a blunt?" I stopped to ponder the thought. Michael didn't miss my presence, so I nodded. "Are they like alcohol, or worse?" I asked, taking the small stick.  "It lasts for an hour or so, it'll give you the munchies and you'll feel a bit tired."

Here goes nothing.

I placed the blunt to my lips and inhaled. It's not as bad as some people make it out to be. The smoke tasted like a mouthful of ash, but it made me feel light. I handed the blunt back to Bianca. "Alright, I'll introduce you to my friends. These are Georgia, Sally and Hank." I waved and looked down at my feet.

I picked up my satchel and said goodbye, these people felt shady. I walked over to the old group and Michael smiled. "I was starting to get worried. Are you alright?" My head felt light and my heart was slowing down.

I left the club straight after that.


Jessica, that was for you babe.

Hmu bebe

Well, she left.

Eh bye

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