Chapter 25

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K so funny story.

My bisexual mate was surrounded by a group of first year girls and he was loving it. So I walke dup to him and told him that he can get all the pussy he wants and he walked up to me and leaned in really close and told me that he: ”Gets all the pussy” and he pulled a stuffed kitty out of his bag.

It was terrifying

Luke’s POV [oh hot daym]

“Maisie, I think I’m in love with you.”

The words kind of blurted out of my mouth and formed one word, but the look on her face told me that she knew exactly what I had said. “You’re in love with me?” I cringed and shook my head. “No-no, I think I’m in love with you.” A snarl came across her face and she sat up. “So being in love with me is a bad thing, now?”

I sat up with her and places my hands on her shoulders. “No, don’t say that! You’re perfect, you deserve someone nicer and more considerate than myself! It’s me that shouldn’t be in love, it doesn’t sound right, you know.” She stared at me with a blank look. “No, Luke I don’t get it. You’re either in love with me or not in love with me, there isn’t a sitting-on-the-fence option.”

I grabbed my hair and pulled. She was making it so difficult. Yeah, I liked her heaps and thought of us being together forever often – too often. But I had never loved anyone so much that I told them. I felt like I was leading her on somehow, even though I was telling her the truth. I grabbed her pants off the floor and began slipping them back on. I immediately yanked them out of her hands and threw the out the open window. She gasped and crossed her arms in anger.

“Maisie, I think I’m in love with you. I have never told anyone this before, you’re a first. And the reason why I’m telling you this is because you’re so…you. I don’t think any girl could make me as crazy – in a good way – as you could. The way you do things, the way you walk and talk and complain about how short you are make me crazy. The way you don’t care about your appearance around me and the way you do thinks to make me jealous are the reason why I might be in love with you. You need to take that maybe and hold me on it. If I ever break your heart shout it out and me and make me feel like utter shit, just take the maybe.”

She stared at me with a blank expression for a second, but eventually smiled. “I guess it couldn’t hurt, right.” I grinned and pulled her down to lie with me. She nuzzled her head into my shoulder and closed her eyes. I knew she was going to sleep so I nudged her. I accidently pushed her off the bed and everything went silent.

The silence was ended by Maisie bursting out in obnoxious laughter. I tried to keep it in but when she poked her beet red head up from beside her bed, I lost it. She looked just like a beautiful rose or some shit. She sighed in her laughter and climbed back up onto the bed. “Do you want to get under the covers?” I asked as I started to slip under them myself. She nodded and climber under the cover with me.

Everything was quiet and she popped up. “Have you heard that song that was on ‘Whip It’?” I grinned and shrugged. I loved that movie to pieces. “Which one?” She sat up and rolled onto my lap. I also sat up and she bit her lip in concentration. “You know when Ellen page and her sexy man friend were in the pool?” I nodded my head. “That song that was like: I was slicing up an avocado… What was it called?”

I stared back at her with a blank expression. She groaned and did a little dance. “Come on, Luke! You can do it, figure it out for me!” She was so cute, I could cuddle her up. I shrugged my shoulders, thinking lightly about it. I had watched the movie around 60 times, and owned the soundtrack, but I couldn’t think for a second.

She dropped down and wrapped her arms around me. She made a sulking noise and told me she had faith in me, but the faith was crushed along with the hopes of ever finding out the name of the song. “The song is called ‘Your Arms Around Me’.” She smiled and fell asleep on my chest.

Michael’s POV

[Warning: This half of the chapter is a massive change from the last, major shit goes down and I had writers block, so forgive me if it’s awfully written]

Geraldine sat on the stool beside me and clapped her hands. “Good job, Clifford. I didn’t think you could do it.” I felt awful, I had just broken a little girl’s heart. “Well I did, so where’s my money.” And the worst part is that it was all part of a bet. She stopped clapping and smirked, standing up and walking towards me.

“I didn’t get paid this week, the pimp is getting a bit testy with my attitude. But I can pay you with sex.” She sat down on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, staring into my eyes. I made a gagging noise and unwrapped her arms. “I don’t want your cheap sex, I want hers.” She scoffed and stood up again.

“You seriously didn’t get attached to her, did you? I thought you could handle this job, but you clearly couldn’t.” I stood up abruptly and kicked the chair over. “Look, I tapped the house! That was the job! I did it and I need money for my work!” She grinned and walked towards the door. I picked up a piece of broken wood an dthrew it at her. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

She shrieked and stepped away from the door. A bright idea crossed her mind. “When I get Luke, you can have your sweetheart! Luke won’t need her anymore! Just let me leave and all will be well.” She wasn’t getting the message, I needed that money to pay off a few debts. I threw another piece of wood at her head and she lunged for the door.

I quickly grabbed the handle and pushed her across the room. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. She looked so innocent, I couldn’t hurt her. I sat down on the floor, next to the helpless girl. “What if Luke doesn’t want you? He lost his last girlfriend to stay with Maisie, and they seemed pretty tied up.”

Now it was her turn to get angry. She stood up and glared down at me. “He will come to his senses! Let’s be honest, I’m much more fit and attractive than that twat. It’s like she’s using a voodoo doll!” She kicked the wall beside my head. 

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