Chapter 17

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It was a lovely experience.

Can you sense the sarcasm?

It was going very well untill he decided to eat my breast. I stood in front on the mirror for some time, applying a healing cream [don't kill me bc I don't have a degree in nursing] to the pierced area.

Luke was sitting on the bed, he had finished his masturbation and was reading a book. Not just any book, a book by Stephen King. I slipped my breast back into Luke's plaid shirt and entered the bedroom. He was completely enveloped by the book, furrowing his eyebrows at every word.

'The Stand'

I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder, peeking at the words. "Are you a fan?" I asked. He shook his head, ignoring my presense on his shoulder. "Is it good so far?" He was already up to the 300th page.

He closed the book, slipping a piece of paper between the pages. "I have to go to the fight club tonight. We're leaving this house." I regained my posture and looked at him with a frown on my face. "I like this house. Why are we leaving it?"

He seemed to study the cover with extreme intent, avoiding answering my question. "I've know you for a week, exactly. You're living with me, and also serving as a sex toy." I gasped and slapped his arm. "I'm surely more to you than that of a reproductive organ."

He shrugged and pushed himself from the bed. "What's the time?" He looked down at his watch and mumbled a response. It was already 5pm. The day had flown by. "You can't avoid the question, Luke. I need to know where we are going and the reason."

He grunted and leaned against the wall. "I don't like this house." The tone in his voice was giving away the lie. "Oh, okay. Why do you have to go to the club? Can you stay home with me?" His gaze strengthened, it seemed threatening. "I'm not that kind of guy."

Sex. Persuade him with sex.

I unbuttoned the top button of Luke's plaid shirt he had generously provided me. "That's too bad, I wanted to do some stuff." His eyes lit up, staring at my hands (which were now fiddling with the second button.) "What kind of stuff?"

I don't know why I wanted him, he could have had fun at the fight club. But I felt like being nurtured that night, and I guess I didn't want to be alone in a new house.

"Typical stuff." The second button popped, showing glorious cleavage. His eyes were hypnotized by the movement of my hands. "Expand upon 'typical.'" I grinned, knowing he was already in.

"Why would you want to know, you have to be at your fighting club." I slowly did up the few buttons I undid, watching Luke bite his lip in pain. "I suppose it would be wrong of me to make you stay in a new house alone. There could be ghosts."

I giggled, one of the most disturbing noises known to man kind. I had him. "Maybe watch some movies, some Wes Craven." His expression faltered. "Big girls that can watch Wes Craven can look after themselves around ghosts." And I lost him. "Why do you need to go to Iron Knuckles tonight? Why not tomorrow, you can get some money tomorrow."

He tensed his jaw and buttoned my shirt up. "I need to see Melody, I need to maintain a relationship with her. I'm sure she's the one, she might drive my head in but I love it." His words hardly affected me. She's gorgeous, taller and blonder than myself. She's what one would define as perfect, and she deserves someone just as easy on the eyes.

"I understand, she's more important than me. She's your girlfriend and I'm just your puppet." His expression didn't change throughout my pity parade, it remained harsh and vigilant. "If you're trying to get sympathy, it's not working. And we agreed on seeing other people. This is a casual affair, and it's not going anywhere."

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