Chapter 3

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The walk home that night was pretty bland. I had to limp because I landed on a funny angle. And I'm not planning to talk to Luke again. He's a pretty big cook, like a clock. And he goes to a fight club every night. And I'll pretend that I don't find that incredibly sexy. I've always liked punks.


Nobody was awake when I arrived at the flat. Dad was face down on some bills, a cold coffee beside him. I felt obligated to fix him up with a blanket. Once he was all snug and shit, I went up to my room.

It's not much, it's basically a box with a few hundred band posters on the walls, a double bed and clothes strewn across the floor. I left my laptop on my bed. Don't get excited, it's not a very good laptop, it's only really for writing and reading novels online. It doesn't do much, basically only has word and internet explorer.

I'm not complaining, it's exactly what I need. I plopped onto my bed and groaned, turning on the flimsy Christmas lights that hangs above my bed. What? They're pretty. Minutes later, I sat up and turned the main light off.

I opened Google and typed in what I knew about the punk I met. 'Luke Iron Knuckles.'

172,000+ results

Alright, they were not all him. I clicked the first result, it was on the Iron Knuckles website. A nice picture of Luke with a broken nose popped up, followed by quite a bit of information. "Hot Luke."

Luke Hemmings is a loyal IK member, and has been since 2007. He has roughly won over 250 fights and has reeled in hundreds of thousands. He held the fighters cup for 3 years in a row. He has proven to be quite a hit with the ladies. "It's the smile, isn't it?" He asked our gossip resource.

Hemmings went missing from IK for a few months in 2013, July. Nobody really knows why, but unreliable sources have told us: "He had a mad case of thrush." He came back in September, stronger than ever.

Hemmings was brought up in Sydney, but moved to Queensland in 2006 due to a domestic dispute.

Although the text was hilarious, it was also sad and mysterious. I backed out of the current page, added Hemmings, and opened the next page. It was a Facebook profile.

One mutual friend.

Hannah Parker. I went to high school with that girl, if I met up with her, I could see what happened in 2013. I can only hope she's a good friend. I grinned and clicked onto her name.

She's gorgeous. I started composing a message.

Hey! We never got to hang out in high school, and everyone is telling me what a cool chick you are. I was wondering if we could chill sometime soon.

I clicked the send button and went back to his profile. It was filled with the usual stuff, pictures of him (gorgeous in all of them) statuses and relationships.

I browsed through the relationships tab. 41 relationships in the past year. It's only been six months since 2013. I quickly noted that he was very lucky with the women. I saw pictures of a few girls, they were all much more beautiful than I.

Holy crap, I'm stalking Luke Hemmings.

I quickly shut the lid and gasped. I've become a crazy fan girl, God help me. I out of my room and into the shower. I'm going to skip the shower because that would be creepy.

Tomorrow will be good, maybe better than today.


I woke up to my father cradling over my bed. "Thank god. I thought you were out all night getting high off the pills. I thought you lost your way home, praise the Lord." I grinned and raised out of bed. "Morning, Dad. What's the time?"

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