Chapter 11

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k guys this is a filler so basically we define where Maisie is in this story because honestly, I'm so fucking done with this bc I HAVE NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED READS AND WOOHOO I READ SHIT AND PEOPLE WHO GET THOUSANDS OF READS ON EACH PART DONT EVEN SAY THANKS BUT FIVE HUNDRED THANK YOU MUFFINS


Things were awkward on the walk to the bus stop. I had let go of Michael and wiped my face, but he asked nothing about my previous situation. I liked that about him. I, on the other hand, would have blasted thousands of questions at him. But he knew it was the wrong time, he had a certain understanding aura.

The silence was ringing in my ears, I wanted to say something that would kill the tension and let Michael crack a joke. I wanted all of the past to fade away and I wanted Michael to fly me away to an alternative universe.

"How's this weather?"

Wonderful, Maisie. Ask him about the weather and label yourself a tool automatically. He didn't respond to my poor attempt of making small talk. Instead, he paced faster and beat me to the bus stop. I decided to be quiet for the rest of the ride.

"Where are you staying?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because you have a bag full of clothes and you scream out homeless."

On any normal occasion, I would have snapped at him and crossed my arms in a fuss, but I just rolled my eyes and told him I was homeless. "I live in a small apartment about an hour from here. I would love it if you stayed." I was already a bit mad at him for ignoring me (God knows why), so I shook my head.

"I'll find somewhere. I don't need to rely on you. I'm an independent woman who doesn't need a man."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at the street in front if us. "Who was that guy? He seemed broken when you left." Luke. I quickly looked down the street we came from. "A guy. I thought he was nice." Michael seemed to find immense humour in that.

"What is so funny?" He chuckled once more and kicked a rock. "What makes him so mean? He saved you from a rapist. He did more than me - he could have been beaten - but he went to save you."

Over the past few days, I had been shown a whole new world. Luke had made my brain burn into sexuality, he opened a whole new me up to him. "He's a misogynist." Michael's face twisted into that of laughter. "He isn't."

I scoffed and looked down the street again. What if he was really upset? What if he did something he would regret. I looked and Michael and stood up.

"Good choice, pumpkin. I'll see you around." I dismissed him with my hand hand hitched the bag on my shoulder higher. "Bye."


His front door was open, well, his screen door was torn off its hinges. It was kinda hanging there. I wearily walked into his unlocked house and called out his name. "Luke." My voice was quiet and barely noticeable.

The rest of his house was the way he left it. I shut the wooden door behind me and walked towards the staircase. I called his name out a bit louder. I was met with a groan.

"Jehovah's witness." I called out with humour. "In the bedroom." He sounded intrigued, and this somehow bothered me. I paced up the stairs, each step flowing with noise. My steps sped up when I saw his door locked tight.

"Luke. Open up."

The silence was killing me. I tried opening the door up, but the lock was very secure. "I'm hopeless. She's gone now. She's gone because I hurt him. Because I killed him." I began to slam on the door. "Lucas! Please open up! I'm begging you!"

He let out a cry, the tone of it was incredibly eery. "Mummy?" His loud footsteps ran up to the door, I bit my lip, knowing he was in a bad place. The lock fiddled with and the blonde beauty was staring down at me before I knew it.

"Mummy! I thought you left me! I'm sorry I hurt him!" His arms lifted me and hugged tightly. "I missed you mummy." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was horrified, staring into his red eyes. "Luke, it Maisie."

His eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head. His right sleeve was pushed up, and a spot of blood was high on his arm. I looked past him and saw the used needle on his bed.

"God, Luke. You didn't!" He looked away with a look of guilt painted on his face. I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him to look at me. "I'm sorry Mummy! I promised you!" Hi began crying, weeping into my shirt.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his hair. "Luke. I'm not your mother. I'm Maisie." He stopped crying and looked up from my bosom. He sniffles and smiled. "You came back."

"Of course I did."

He grinned and picked me up. "I thought you left for good, like her." I was still very scared, so I decided not to ask about the female. I grinned, betraying my feelings, and ran my hands through his hair.

"Yours gorgeous." I didn't blush at his words, because he was high. "Luke, what did you inject?" He walked me out to the lounge and sat me on the couch. "I don't know. I'm a little tired." He sat down next to me and placed his head against mine.

"Can I kiss you?" I scoffed at his contradicted words and shook my head. "I want you to kiss me when you love me." He looked at my hand and grabbed with his own. "I like you, and I've never felt love. Liking you is the best I can possibly do."

His eyes stared into my lips, licking his own. "You're so pretty." His pink lips nuzzled themselves into my neck. "I could kiss your neck forever." I grinned at his words and rubbed at his shoulders. "You need to sleep your high off."

"It's actually a low. Whatever that was, was a horrible batch."

I hugged at his shoulders and lay down. "One kiss. That's all I want." I grunted and made my way in. Just a kiss, just a kiss. A kiss can't do anything. A kiss won't make him love me, nor will it make me love him.

But what's to say he doesn't already love me? Or I to him? He believes he likes me, that's a start. His eyes bore into mine as he closed in the space between our lips. His lip ring shimmered a little before he shoved his lips onto mine.

Once they touched mine, nothing else happened. Nothing, literally. Luke's lips froze, and I grunted. I've never liked being teased. I opened my eyes to see Luke fast asleep. I groaned and crawled out from beneath him.

So much for the kiss.



It feels nice

But I'm on my phone.

And I really don't want to edit.

Ugh the shit I do for you faggots xxoo.

But I have history tomorrow and my teacher hates me.

I'm not kidding, I'm terrified. I'm scared she'll like kill me for no reason.

She's nice and she likes doctor who, but she scares the daylights from me.

I swear, she is one step away from calling my parents and I just want to stay home sick.

But my mum is like no you're going to school or you'll starve its a hard life.

Anyway I have a guy who wants the booty I'm not kidding.

Hes two years older than me and he has a nice smile.

I'm so done with the keyboard on my phone.

Well, I'm tired and history tomorrow.

Wish me luck with Satan.

Maybe a vote from you

Yes, you



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