Chapter 26

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K so funny story.

I forgot about my Wattpad priorities.

And then I checked my reads.

And I had like 9k.

It was terrifying

Luke’s POV [oh hot daym]


I fiddled with my fingers, looking away from her face. “Excuse me Luke, I couldn’t hear you.” She knew damn well what I was saying, and she wanted me to shout it out. “I don’t know, it’s a possible thingy, that I could maybe, possibly…um maybe possibly like you? Ah, possibly love you…maybe?” She looked unamused as she sniffed around the air. “Can you smell that, Luke? It smells…smells like bullshit.”

I felt my fists ball up, a feeling I would regret. “How many girls have you told you loved? I know I’m not the only one.” I looked down with regret. “I mean I think maybe I maybe told other girls that but I don’t know.” She scoffed and sat up with a scowl on her face. “Maybe I don’t want this, Luke. Maybe I should go find Michael and tell him that he can still have me because, let’s face it, this isn’t going anywhere good.” I joined her at the edge of her bed. “You’re the second girl I’ve committed to loving. You and Melody.”

She looked at me with an annoyed look on her face. “It’s all about Melly, why don’t you go and chase her, hm? Why don’t you choose the perfect girl with the money?” My hands loosened and ran through my hair. “All she wanted was sex-“ Maisie cut me off with a chuckle, “But that’s all you want.” I sighed and fell back onto the bed, groaning with frustration. “Always discussing how we could make things more simulating for her and never for me. She wanted to bring in whips and chains but I didn’t and she gave me hell for it. She called me a little pussy.”

Maisie laughed and stood up and somehow pulled me up with her, like I was on a puppet string, anticipating her next movement so I could mimic her. “Maybe you are, Luke. Maybe you’re a little boy who tried to grow up too fast, maybe you need to go home and find your Mum and learn to love. Maybe you were neglected as a child, maybe you need to find a psychologist who would be willing to help you. I can’t do this anymore, screw the list and screw everything.”

I sat on the bed and weighed the pros and cons of leaving Maisie to find a better man. But I remember what I did to my Mother and her moronic boyfriend. “I would go find my Mother if she were alive,” I paused to hear Maisie gasp and apologize silently, “, if I hadn’t of murdered her. And before you start calling me a murderer without any reasoning, I am a murderer. I drove my knife straight through her tiny body, and I made her boyfriend watch. He kept on telling me to stop, that it wasn’t funny. I told him that his snuff porn* collection wasn’t too funny, either.”

Maisie’s eyes widened as she slowly started to back away, realising I was a danger to her. She didn’t know the story yet, she had to hear. “I came home that afternoon after my tutoring session, I wasn’t the brightest flower in the bunch. It was the same scene; booze bottles strewn across the room and my soon-to-be-father-in-law was hunched over the family computer with his hand down his pants. I knew he was a frequent masturbater, so I walked past without much of a care, I cared when I saw the snuff all over the monitor. I was shocked, I knew he was a sicko, but he was a certified psychopath in real life.”

“I guess I stood there until he noticed me, he had a sick smirk on his face, and he wanted to hurt me too…just like I want to hurt you.” She hadn’t realised what I had said, she was still backing away. Her eyes widened when she heard me, she opened her mouth to scream and she started running. I groaned and heaved my body up, grabbing a belt on the floor.

Her tiny feet and legs weren’t much of a turn on when she was stumbling over them while I ran after her. It didn’t take long for me to catch her by the throat and pull her up. She tried to let out another scream, but my hand tightened around her throat, preventing any airflow. “Aw, did you think you could change me? Did you think this was a cute little story that ended with me being a tame man with a day-job at the office? You were wrong, this isn’t one of those sick fan-fictions teenage girls read.”

She began to squirm as a pulled the belt into view, twirling it around in the air until the buckle rested on her face. “The truth is, I do this every couple of years, find a girl and see if she’s like the rest. I even take some shitty tablets to make me think in a sane manner to control the urges I get…the urges to pry the girl’s eyeballs out of her head before I get to have any fun. It’s great to have money, people believe rich, attractive guys with big dicks. I’m going to make this look like a suicide, you couldn’t handle the fact that I was leaving this town.”

Tears started to flow down her face as her lips turned a plum purple. I raised my other hand and stuffed it into her hair, ready to drag her. “I wouldn’t want any man-made bruises on your neck, would I? Then they would know I abused you. The belt will do.” I let go of her throat and let her body drop as far as it could with my hands holding her hair. She inhaled a heap of air and tried to scream, but she needed the air more than the vocality.

I quickly wrapped the belt around her neck, she was too tired to fight back, and I loved it when they fought back. “Come on, I’m about to murder you, give a fight.” She raised a fist and lightly slapped me. I groaned and shook my head, looking at the floor. “Any famous last words?” She sighed, still breathing rapidly, and shook her head. I nodded my head and quickly pulled the belt with a tug, fastening it around her neck tightly. She started to let out tiny screams as I raised her body on the belt.

I made my way down the hallway, looking at the beams on the roof. All of them were strong enough to hold her, but if she wiggled too much they would be likely to snap. “I have to tire you out, little one.” I raised her above my head, strangling her. “Did you think I would look at you twice? You’re a little, mousy girl with tiny tits. I wasn’t even planning on sicking my dick inside you. I like girls with qualities of more unique features. You fit in with the fan-girl group. I will go and find my brother when you’re all set up for suicide.”

I watched as her body became more and more lifeless, her head began to droop towards the floor. I sighed as her body stopped moving. She was such a waste of time, Melody would have fought back. I chuckled as I walked towards the selected beam. I didn’t even get to tell her the full story.

The shortest chapter published in history?


I was writing this chapter, thinking about where this book was going to end and I realised that this books sounded incredibly similar to every other moderately successful fan-fiction ever. So I decided to shake things up a little and write this into a horror novel.

I didn’t like Maisie much, anyway.

Hmu if you like the change and hmu if you’re pissed off.

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