Chapter 21

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I went to his bathroom that connected directly to his bedroom, which I had never been in. I opened up the upper cupboards in the bathroom, just above the sink, and pulled out some bandaids and some painkillers that he had. I then grabbed a small face towel and wet it with warm water. 

I walked back into his rooms and was slightly surprised to see that he was still sitting there with a big smirk on his face, his dimples poking into his cheeks as he watched me.

"What is s-so amusing?" I asked him as I set down the bandages and bottle of painkillers.

"You." he chuckled.

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw him watching me with a grin. “And what is s-so f-funny about m-me?” I asked and twisted the towel so the wet side was a small tip around my finger. 

"I don’t know. When you act all macho and tough but you’re actually gentle." he replied.

"I’ll t-take that as a c-compliment." I mumbled with a slight girlish giggle.

I turned back to his face which was watching me expectantly. Since I was a tall girl, I was looking down on him as he sat on the edge of the fairly tall bed. I towered over him, actually. 

I stared at his nose first and decided to tend to it. I touched the towel just under his nose and wiped the blood that had formed there from where I punched it. I did feel badly for hurting him that badly, but it wasn’t like he was innocent throughout this whole ordeal.

"So how was chatting with Perrie?" Harry asked with an amused grin on his face.

"She’s f-funny." I replied and wiped his chin, wiping the blood off. 

"What did she say about your eye?" he asked. I was shocked that he actually cared and gave a shit.

"She s-said that there was b-bleeding in my iris b-because of the p-punch I t-took to it." I explained.

He didn’t reply, didn’t apologize. Not that I was expecting him to, but I had a glimmer of hope that he would. 

I washed his face all over to clear it of any dirt or blood. 

I took careful attention to the cuts that I had caused on his forehead and cheeks. He winced slightly and I would apologize in a very quiet and shy voice. 

I gave him a couple of painkillers and then bandaged up his cuts.

"Thanks, doc." he replied and stood up when I had finished with the last bandage on her chin. 

"W-wait." I stopped him and stared at his lips. "I think y-your lip is on the v-verge of bleeding."

"Oh. Don’t worry about it." he muttered and waved his hand to shoo me off. 

"N-No. No. Let m-me j-just see if I c-can fix it." I argued and scurried off to the bathroom. 

I had spotted Natalie’s makeup bag earlier and assumed that she must have some sort of vaseline or lip balm. I unzipped the bag and nearly choked on my own spit at how much makeup she had. I mean, she was cute, but she must have been pretty sexy when she met Harry to have so much makeup. 

I pawed through it and pulled out a small tub of vaseline. I assumed that I was going to have to put some kind of lipgloss on Harry. 

I came back out and was slightly surprise to see that he was still there. He had his hands in the pockets of his basketball shorts and watched me with a slight glare as I approached him.

When I was close enough to him, I handed him the small tub of vaseline.

"No." he refused and shook his head.

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