• Chapter One •

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Yay!!! New fanfic!!! (/^▽^)/

"Got the good stuff?" Nicole scoots her wheelie chair around the large mahogany desk, using a swift push to propel herself in my direction. I dodge the back of the now uncontrollably spinning chair by a foot before nearly dropping the hefty box of doughnuts balanced in my palms.

"You know it," I laugh. " but yeesh, you almost made me drop them. How would I explain that to the crew?"

"Attack of the wheel chair." She stands up and approaches the unmarked box before I even begin to place it on the desk's smooth surface. I yank it from her reach and raise an eyebrow.

"Jesus Christ, wait for me to put it down before you tear it to shreds.Oh, and that's not called a wheel chair, stupid." She barely lets me finish my sentence as she opens the box wide, allowing her eyes to dance around at the sight of the sugary contents. Quickly plucking a pink frosted doughnut from it's place between a boston creme and jelly doughnut, she grabs the back of the chair with one hand and returns to her rightful place behind the desk.

"You spoil me." She says through the mouthful of doughnut. I close the box snugly and hoist it back into my arms.

"I'm afraid what would happen if I didn't." I use my butt to push open the break room door.

"Probably homicide." Nicole laughs aloud, the sound of her acrylic nails tapping away at the computer replacing our giggles as I disappear further into the studio.

Upon entering the break room, several people's eyes switch over to me, then the box in my arms. My stare wander around the room for a moment as I evaluate possible locations to place the doughnuts, but the counter is covered in empty dairy containers, bags, wrappers, and unrecognizable sludge. I look back in the direction of the couch, meeting Chase's eyes.

"What happened in here?" I ask, trying to adjust my grip on the box so that my fingers don't sweat so much.

"We recorded some cooking stuff in here, we were actually just about to clean that." He explains.

"Oh, uh, so where should I put this..."

Just as I finish my question, Stevie and Link walk into the room from the door on the opposite of where I entered. I try not to stare at Link, being a little bit of a fan. I don't see him or Rhett often at all, due to the fact that I only stop by the studio once in a while to help out around my work schedule, and I work during the times they do the actual filming. Without saying anything, Chase and a few other people stand up and slip out of the door before it closed. Something tells me nobody was actually going to clean that mess.

I sigh, walking the doughnuts over to the stove, sticking my hand out to make sure the burners aren't hot, and plop the box down onto it.

"Doughnuts?" Link says, gesturing towards the box and lifting his eyebrows. I nod, and he lifts the top of the box and begins sifting through some of them.

"Doughnuts. Spread the word." I reply tonelessly and struggle to reach into the higher part of the cupboards for a roll of paper towels. "Oh, and there's a peanut butter chocolate one in there somewhere."

I grin at the sound of Link suddenly searching through the box in a more urgent manner than before. I return to the counter and whip out a trash bag from the box, thrashing it in every which way to get it to finally open. Stevie reaches around Link, who's still searching for the peanut butter doughnut, and snatches one up for herself.

"That wasn't the peanut butter one, was it?" He asks, shifting his attention over to her. She shakes her head.

"Chill out, it's this one's powdered." She takes a bite out of it and heads out into the lobby. "Oh, jelly." I hear her say to herself as she exits my line of vision.

"Well, I'm not seeing a peanut butter one anywhere." He exclaims, defeated, I place the bag onto the floor and step around Link, my heart rate speeding a bit as I step closer to him. I look into the box and start looking.

"Man, that's the last time I get the double dozen. There's too many here to find anything." I make a mental note aloud. "Oh, is this it?"

I point to one in the back that has a dark brown frosting on the only side visible. He reaches around my arm and uses his thumb and index finger to carefully lift the pastry, revealing the other side of the doughnut... covered in peanut butter frosting. Victory! As he returns his arm to his side, his shoulder brushes mine, and I immediately return to the dirty counter to avoid any embarrassing face I might make out of excitement.

"Thanks, (Y/n). See y'all later." He gives everyone in the room a half-wave before he exits into the lobby as well.

Taking a deep breath, I pick the trash bag up and start dropping the clutter on the counter into the bag, and use a paper towel to lead the puddle of gooey substance into the bag with a plop. I make a face in disgust. Definitely old batter of some sort. Becca and Ellie both grab doughnuts from the box, then Alex. I even grab another once I finish cleaning the mess and taking the trash out.

An hour passes by of me tidying up around the studio and kicking it with some people, mostly Nicole. When people start stringing out of the office few by few is when I place the broom and dustpan back into the utility closet. Swinging my keys around my finger, I stroll back over to Nicole. 

"Dan picking you up?" I ask.

"Well, he could. Would you give me a ride otherwise?"

"Maybe if you admit you like my car I'd think about it."

"Your shit car? I'd rather walk. Dan could still pick me up, that's just how bad your car is."

"Okay, first of all, my Saturn is better than your car."

"That's probably due the fact that I don't have a car."

I smile and turn to hold the door open.

"We can grab some Burger King." I announce. 

"I'm in."

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