• Chapter Ten •

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Okokok last upload for today but I was just in one heckin writin mood and I got hella inspiration

The sound of a phone ringing immediately silenced us, and I thank whatever Gods there are at the perfect timing. Link stands up and digs around in his pocket before pulling out his phone and looking at it.

"It's Christy. I gotta take this." He gestured Rhett to his laptop before answering the phone and exiting the room, shutting the door behind him and leaving Rhett and I alone.

"Alright, Alright. Let's get down to business." He slides over to the laptop and scrolls through it a bit before reading another question aloud. "What do you know about Good Mythical Morning?"

"To be honest, not too much. I just know you guys have known each other since you were kids and eventually developed a liking for videos and stuff early on." I laugh a little. "I have to admit, I skipped your guys' videos all the time for years until my then-boyfriend introduced me to it. And things just worked out when Nicole started working here."

"Well, I appreciate the honesty." He smiles, "and a thanks to your ex for changing your mind about us."

He leans in at that last part and I find myself clasping the edge of my skirt tightly in excitement.

"Alrighty. Next question." He leans back and squints to see the screen. "Oh, final question. Why should we hire you for this position?"

I take a moment to think about my answer, but end up rushing one out anyway.

"I think you should choose me... because..."

He suddenly rises and my head has to tilt back to follow his height. He swiftly moves around the table and pulls the chair out beside me, taking a seat so close I can smell his cologne. No doubt my face flares red at his sudden placement, making it impossible to continue whatever train of thought I was following before.

"Ah, sorry. You were just speaking so quietly, I could barely hear ya." He smirks before placing the laptop on his lap and waving me to continue.

"I... forget what I was saying. W-what was the question again??" I stare intently at my lap, I can't afford to look at him right now. Literally. I need this job and I'll lose it already if I nosebleed all over him.

"Why," He repeats, shifting in his seat once again. "should we choose you?"

Gee, thanks. Way to make it WORSE.

"I think you- you guys-  should hire me because I can be very resourceful, reliable, and as I said before, flexible..." I manage to say. "... with my schedule..."


"Alright guys, sorry about that, Christy jus-" Link returns, looking up at us and staring in complete silence. For a terrifying moment I started to think he'd gotten the wrong idea, but he quickly continued. "Oh, okay, we're doing the sit-next-to-'em thing. Alright." Link takes a seat on my other side and Rhett leans over me to pass the computer back to him.

"We're done anyway." He informs Link. "Say hello to our new employee!"

Rhett places a hand on my upper back, nudging me closer to Link for a handshake.

"Heh, thank you guys so much for this opportunity..." I try not to choke. "I'll try not to disappoint."

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