• Chapter Six •

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I lean back against the window and drape my legs across the seat. My feet meet with Nicole's, who's sitting adjacent from me in the same position. We placed ourselves in the back of the bus to be sure nobody disturbs us when they start to pile back into the bus.

I pause the vine compilation I'm watching and look up to Nicky, who pulls an earbud out upon seeing me look at her.

"Maybe they won't want me as a crew member anymore." I doubt.

"Why wouldn't they?" She chuckles and skips whatever song she was listening to.

"I don't know," I look out of the back windows at the people leaving and entering the park. "Maybe they don't wanna have to worry about insuring me if I'm just going to get sick."

"It's not like you get sick all of the time. Really. Heat exhaustion happens to everyone at some point. It's normal. Ask anyone."

"No, it's not that." I stare down at my legs. "I still have physical therapy. And on top of that I have monthly appointments at one of the most expensive offices in the state."

"Oh come on, you've been going to PT much less than you used to. You go there, what? Like, once a year now?"

"Once every 6 months." I correct her. "And I don't know. It adds up."

"Stop being bashful. You're fine. They'll still hire you, I'm sure they would if you ask." She stresses that last part and I sigh.

"I'm just anxious to. Especially after this whole embarrassment."

The first few people climb onto the bus and take seats at the front. I take a quick look at the time and see it's 5 after the time people were supposed to start leaving. I lean my head back against the window and close my eyes, daydreaming about how soft my bed will feel after the day I've had. I could probably fall asleep right now if I kept my eyes closed long enough. Just as I open my eyes once again Nicky slides her earbud back in and draws her feet closer to her body I do the same so my feet aren't the only ones hanging from the seat, and hug them to my chest. Chase and his friend step up into the bus and sit in the middle. Conversations start to break out a little bit and I can't help but wish I had brought headphones to tune them out.

I love these guys, but I just miss the silence we had moments ago.

More and more people climb on, including Rhett and Link. Rhett has taken a light burn to his his face and shoulders, but nothing too noticeable. Link's skin, however, was as untouched as it was before we even came here.

They sit in the seats in front of us and Rhett turns back towards me, my heart drops.

"How're you feeling?" He asks me.

"I'm feeling much better, thanks for helping..."

"Ah, anytime."

"So (y/n) here has been job hunting a little." Nicole suddenly sits up in her seat and leans over the back of the seat in front of her, eyes leaping between Link and Rhett. "Think she should be a crew member?"

The eyes on me made me extremely uncomfortable and sent me into an immediate panic.

"I-I don't actually care if I am or not, it's just that I just left my other job and I-" I attempt to prevent Nicky from doing any more damage, but she continues anyway.

"She told some kid off who prank called her at work and quit before they could fire her. But she's otherwise super good at handling phone calls and organizing. She's also a writer." She word-vomits, and my jaw drops. How could she do this to me?? I'm going to die now!!! RIP me!!!!!!!!

Link laughs and lowers his phone from his line of vision before meeting my eyes.

"I don't know about having you answer any phones because we get an awful lot of prank calls, but maybe we could find something for you." The corner of his mouth tugs into a smirk as he mentions prank calls. 

"Yeah, she said you're a writer?" Rhett asks, and I shoot Nicole an angry look. I wish I could smack her upside the head and tell her writing ONE mediocre fanfiction does NOT make me a writer!

"... yes." I speak through gritted teeth.

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