• Chapter Thirteen •

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Monday afternoon. My coffee cup steams on the table in front of me. My laptop whirs as if it's trying to do anything more than sitting on an empty desktop. I eyeball the people's laptops around me, all nice. Mostly macs. Pristine. But mine sounds and looks like some ancient artifact. I click open the document I had completed last night and polished off this morning beside some cinnamon toast. I can't help but feel sharp and on-point now. I even decided to pull my hair back into a braid today from all of the confidence.

I have my friend, I have a good, fun job that's teaching me new things I love learning about every day. I get nice weekends and a decent pay. I'm on my second week in, but... yeah. I feel good about this. My life's finally thinning down to one satisfying path.

People start exchanging ideas once Rhett and Link settle in their seats at the end of the long table. Link frantically writes each idea into the board followed by each person's name, but things slow down a notch not long after the initial burst of craziness. Links left standing at the whiteboard, blue dry-erase marker still hovering an inch from its surface. Chase goes next, then I finally, confidently voice my oh-so-brilliant idea.

"Yeah, um. How about we do something about fanfiction?" I don't give myself time to second guess before spilling all of the details I've laid out. "There are plenty already written, it doesn't have to be real. All satirical, but at the same time complete fan service for that part of the community. Know what I'm sayin'?" I explain.

Stevie among others nod, while some more people seem to wear a very slight scowl/cringe hybrid. Something I expected from people who I'm sure are tired of hearing about fan service.

After a moment, Link writes it on the board with my name beside it.

"Alrighty then." He says, "When we decide on what  we're doing and when we're doing it, we'll get back to you each individually for more details."

We pile out of the room and I Rhett gives me a half-wave as I step out of the room. I'm almost out of the door by the time I notice it so all I can do is smile as I disappear into the hallway. Nicole meets me in the break room. She drinks her coffee with even more desperation than ever and slides her hat off of her head.

"Slept in?" I eye her uncombed hair and lack of makeup, which is alarming considering she's always at least wearing eyeliner.

"You have no idea." She buries her face in her hand. "I'm so exhausted."

"Were you up late or something?" Digging a granola bar out of my pocketbook and unwrapping it.

"Dan's just making my life a living hell. My parents are flying to LA for a week and he refuses to let them stay at our place."

"Oh. That sucks. Hotels can get stupidly expensive around here."

"Talk about it. And he won't even give me a good reason. At first I thought it was because he didn't want to help me clean up, but after 8 hours of me cleaning the house he tells me he still doesn't want them here." She pinches at the bridge of her nose and presses her eyes shut. I take a bite of my granola bar.

"But the house is in your name. You pay for everything except the cable. Why the hell are you even giving him the time of day to argue? Tell him he can go to a hotel if he doesn't want to be around your parents that badly."  I speak through a full mouth. "Which is sketchy, by the way."

"Actually, i paid the cable too this month. He's still job hunting and FoodFast isn't giving him enough deliveries to meet any bills." She takes another long sip of her coffee as the table shifts from Rhett sitting beside us and taking a savage bite of his panini. We both stop talking out of discomfort, and she raises an eyebrow at me in curiosity.

"No, no, you guys don't have to stop talking. I'm just eating this real quick before I head home." He chuckles.

"Uh, you wanna hear me complain about my deadbeat boyfriend?" Nicole laughs.

I broke my phone guys. The screens all wonky now so I'm currently using my backup. But for sole reason this doesn't have all of the stuff i have written for chapters. Hopefully I'll be able to have my screen repaired before the end of the month!! ❤ happy holidays and merry Christmas in case this is my last upload before then. 🎅

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