• Chapter Twenty Four •

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I am slowly but surely completing this fic, I promise. It may take longer than expected but it will not go unfinished. ❤️

I come down the stairs and slowly make my way past the dining room, the kitchen, and into the living room. As I slip on a light, airy sweater, my dad peeks his head out from the kitchen.

"Hey, don't forget about that PT appointment later this month." His voice isn't fully cheery, but close. Maybe it's the subtle hint of guilt looming behind each word that leaves his mouth.

And he knows that I'm already aware of the appointment. He didn't have to remind me. But, it's strangely nice to hear him care enough to remind me. Despite it technically not being physical therapy, it's a nice gesture.

"Thanks. I almost forgot."

I hop into the car with Rhett, who had already started the AC. It's nice, and doesn't even need time to start blowing cold air like my car does.

"Let's get the battery. Then we can stop by Nicky's and I'll get my dad's car."

"Then we'll rally back here." He raises an eyebrow in my direction, and I force the smirk off of my face as I turn my head towards the window.

"I'm sorry about getting all weird back there." I stare at my hands, then my legs, and then the door handle, anywhere but at him. "I don't like feeling like I owe people shit after they spend money on me. Especially when we don't have it to pay back."

"I told you both, you've earned that money."

"And I'm... embarrassed of my dad. Of my whole situation. I don't want to be seen as some charity case with a jailbird dad."

"He's just doing the best he can. I can see that. Don't sweat it. Please." He reaches over, and I allow his hand to cradle mine gently for almost the rest of the ride.

Battery acquired. Approaching Nicole's apartment complex to  get father's car back into my possession.

Avoiding her apartment unreasonable fear of striking up a conversation; commenced.

I hold the keys in my hand and hop out of the car, waving to Rhett before unlocking and taking a seat behind the wheel of dad's car.

Mission accomplished.

Nicole slides her window open and sticks her head out, messy hair drawing my attention more than her flailing arm.

Mission failed. We'll get them next time.

I suck in a deep breath before letting it out in one long sigh. I look behind me to check if Rhett might still be there, but it turns out that he had pulled out of sight when I hopped in the car, most likely under the assumption that I'd be following.

Well, shit. Okay. This is it, I guess.

"Hey!" I wave back, acknowledging that we had just made eye contact and I couldn't find a way to pretend that I hadn't noticed. I swing the car door shut and trail my way over to the sidewalk beneath her window.

"Hey, I'm just picking up the car."

"I see that, without saying hello to me." She teases. "Hiding something?"

I can't tell if she's joking.

"Oh, yes, all of the government secrets from Area 51." I joke. She shakes her head, smile plastered on her face.

"Nah, but we'd have found those out for ourselves by now wouldn't we?" She adds on. "Can't hide those alien cheeks from me."

"... Anyway, yeah, I'm gonna get this thing home. My dad's back and he needs it." Awkward dismissal.

• Troublesome • Rhett x Reader •Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora