• Chapter Twenty Six •

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"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." I laugh, carelessly grabbing Rhett's hand into mine while we walk back to the car.

"I wasn't expecting much either, but maybe Hollywood hasn't dropped the ball just yet." He removes his hand from mine and wraps his arm around my shoulders - with ease, thanks to his height.

"Thank you for taking me out. I haven't gotten this in a long time."

"Well, you deserve it. If you ever wanna go on a date, or if you ever just want to get out of the house for whatever reason, give me a holler."

"I'll take you up on that." We settle into the car and head home.


The alarm on my phone vibrates on my nightstand, and I urge my heavy eyelids open.

I stayed up late last night. After I was dropped off home, I couldn't sleep all that well.

Thinking about life. My future at this job. My friendship with Nicole. My hazy, questionable relationship with Rhett.

Our date was nice. I truly did enjoy it. How he'd hold my hand while we ramble about nothing important. How he'd pull me close during the romantic movie scenes. It reminds me of something out of a high schooler's love life.

Groggy and stinky, I hoist myself out of bed like a sack of potatoes. After all, I've got an hour before I have to head back to work. And according to a text that I read on my phone, Nicky will be picking me up on the way.

As I shower, I mull over the idea of coming clean to her. Should I really just bite the bullet and risk ruining our friendship? Then again, should I really remain in a friendship if it's so very conditional? Do I really have an option here? Would ending our friendship make things awkward in the office?

I finish up my shower and blow dry my hair, soon after sliding into a long tee shirt and leggings. Boom. Ready for the day and whatever it may bring.

My confidence has been boosted a tad, I admit. Having somebody interested in me romantically does things to my head, I suppose. What can I say?

I'm ready early and decide to wait outside for Nicole. Passing my father's sleeping form on the couch, I lock the front door behind me. I walk into the humid morning air, sunshine already bright and among us, warming my skin. Neighbors mow their lawns and cars zip by now and then. I settle in the swing bench on our porch, reminiscing of the talk Rhett and I had shared here. The kiss Rhett and I had shared.

A mixture of butterflies and guilt twinges in my stomach, however the butterflies must've eaten whatever guilt there was, because now all that remains is euphoria.

"Get in loser, we're going to earn a living wage." Nicole calls out from her car, flagging me down from the curb.

"Wait, you earn a living wage?" I joke, taking a seat beside her.

"Well, I can live off of dollar store pancakes, can't I?"

"I'm sure you can."

I pull down the visor and look at myself in the mirror, making sure I'm not visibly as tired as I feel.

"You dolling yourself up? For who?" She says in a teasing tone.

"For you, duh." I brush her remark off once again.

As we make our way through the city one stop light at a time, we share an empty conversation about the current events. She's thinking about getting a cat. Theres a new illness in China. The office is planning the next group trip somewhere overnight in Colorado.

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