• Chapter Twelve •

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"I can't do this." I run my fingers through my hair as I sit in my car staring at the GMM studio. "She's still mad at me. She's gonna say something."

Being bad with conflict as a whole, I tend to freeze up in situations like Nicole put me in last night. I can't explain it. I can't say anything to explain  or defend myself, or even correct wrongful accusations and assumptions. Thinking back on it, I should have sent her a message explaining myself.

I'm not going after Rhett, or anyone for that matter. All she had to do was ask me to take things back a notch and I would've. She's always been like this, though. I shouldn't have expected anything else from her.

One more deep breath and a sip from my water bottle is enough to get my butt out of the car and all the way to the front doors. Not much farther, unfortunately. Nicole sits behind the desk directly inside. She wears her hair up in a bun and she's bundled up in one of her faux leather jackets with gray polar fleece sleeves.

The only thing that prevented me from turning around and booking it back to the car was her eyes flickering in my direction. Shoot. I enter.

"Hey. Sorry about last night." She wastes no time getting that out the second I step inside. Well, that was easy.

"It's okay. It's my fault." I apologize back to her.

"No. I was overreacting." She sighs, pausing to take a sip from her coffee cup. "I've been getting super aggravated about people crushing on someone in a relationship. I know it's unreasonable, considering I know you'd never act on it. That you're harmless."


"It's just... ugh! Kylie got me so messed up!" I'm reminded of her cheating ex-fiancée, and suddenly everything makes sense.

"I'm... sorry. Yeah. You're right. Here, give me a hug." I hold out my arms and hug her at an awkward angle over the desk. "I'm done tripping."

"Thank you. You're too good to me, girl." She flashes me a half smile and quickly returns her eyes down at her cup as she takes another desperate sip, visibly thrown off from mentioning her ex.

The rest of the week passed pretty quickly. I'm scheduled to go in during filming and I'm typically sitting in the back away from everyone. They put me on scripting/ideas in addition to other tasks that arise along with the crew. That's sort of how it works, nothings set in stone. They have directors sweeping, they've got writers collecting items for future episodes. I haven't seen them film yet, but it definitely sounds fun. Aside from the writing and formulating of ideas, I'm really not doing anything I wasn't already doing voluntarily prior to being hired.

It, now being Sunday afternoon, has been a relaxing weekend. I feel a little more comfortable with what I'm doing, and I'm already learning much more about writing and scripting than I've ever learned in school.  I sit up in my bed, laptop resting on my bare thighs. The screen lights up the otherwise dim room. I dip my hand into the bag of chips nestled comfortably at my hip to scoop some into my mouth. The movie playing on the computer buffers repeatedly and I sigh out of frustration.

An email alert dances across the top of my browser and I click it open, deciding maybe it's not worth spending 15 minutes waiting for the rest of the movie to load.

We're gonna have a full meeting tomorrow to discuss and exchange ideas for episodes. Do a little research and tell us what you find tomorrow.

See you guys there,

I smirk at the group email, already having an idea in mind. I check the time before delving into some deep "research."

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