• Chapter Twenty •

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Come over around 3 with those snacks you promised 😜

The text catches me off guard, still being half asleep and all. Then the realization dawns on me that I need to get off of my ass and get to the store to buy some stupid snacks that I'm still mad at myself for offering. I'm a bit tight on money due to me having to pay my father's bail and whatnot.

So, naturally, I'll hit up the first store that comes to mind when one is low on funds. The dollar store. And anything they dont have there, I'll run next door to the gas station and check there. Maybe I'll stuff my purse with day-old hotdogs and convenience store burritos. 

I shimmy into some black capries and throw on a t-shirt. Before I roll out, i take a quick stop in the bathroom to dry-shave only the part of my calves that're visible.

Initially, I grab my car keys, but stop in my tracks. I forgot to grab a new battery. Shit. I guess dad's car will do for now. No time to curse my forgetfulness just yet. 


I step out of the dollar store with a bag full of chips and a single container of cheap chocolate chip cookies. The kind of chocolate that doesn't melt in your mouth, but just kind of bunches up and sits there with the flavor profile equivalent of an eraser. So it's probably for the better that I actually go to the gas station as well.

The bells that hang above the door jingle as I step inside the stuffy, cramped building. The lady behind the counter sends me a polite smile as I glance in her direction before disappearing into the snack isle.

I must have been standing here for too long, so deep in thought as to what the hell I can afford and what I probably can't, because I feel a soft tap on my shoulder that sucks all of my attention away from this dire situation.

Cashier lady smiles kindly. She's very pretty up close, hijab cradling her round face.

"Do you need help finding anything?" She asks.

"Oh! No, I'm alright. Just picking out a few snacks, haha..."

"Okay, just let me know if you need any help."

As I stare at her, I see the door swing open and a tall man walk in, but he faces away and begins to walk towards the other side of the store. My eyes fixate, and I'm suddenly reminded of how badly I want to talk to Rhett. I want to know why he lead me on the way he did. Why he kissed me and then completely withdrew from me. We were doing so well.

"Thank you for the offer." I tell the woman before leaving the isle and perusing him. He has no hair product in, like the night he kissed me. I start stepping toward him, closer and closer.

It's him. Has to be. There are only a handful of people in town as tall as him, with his hair color and button-ups. And, I swear from the side of his face, the facial hair... It has to be him. And im suddenly very, very desperate for answers. I deserve them.

"Hey," I step directly behind him, cornering him. (pathetically, as I am short compared to him) "just tell me why you think It's okay to do what you did to me."

He turns around and I nearly stumble back at the offsetting wide eyes that meet mine. Not those of Rhett.

"Pardon? What did I do to you?" His british accent is the cherry on top. Now that I'm looking at him from this close, of course he isn't Rhett. He actually looks nothing like him. And his head is shaped completely differently. The only thing right is his height.

I just, really, really wanted it to be him.

"O-oh... I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else..."

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