• Chapter Nine •

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Double upload cuz I feel bad about being a bum

I arrive at the GMM studio in the clothes I purchased last night. Seeing everyone walk around in T-shirts and jeans, I felt a little overdressed, but continued ahead anyway. Nicole has told me she wouldn't make it in today so I had time to mentally prepare for awkwardness.

Stepping inside. I'm met by Link speaking with the girl at the desk. He turns towards me and flashes me a smile.

"Hey, you can head on back. It's not for another ten minutes. We're also waiting on Rhett."

I nod and step through the glass doors farther into the building. Down a familiar hallway, into the break room. I take a seat on the tacky couch and pull out my phone.

"About to do the interview. Dressed to kill. We got this." I text Nicky before switching over to watch some cat videos while I wait.

Moments later I hear the door open and I look over to see Rhett followed by Link. Rhett stops in his tracks as I stand up and smooth out my skirt awkwardly.

"Hey." I say, unsure what to say.

"Hey (y/n). You didn't have to get all dressed up." He chuckles, shaking my hand. "Can't say I mind it though."

I look away in fear of turning red and thank him before following the both of them out of the room. I'm lead Into what appears to be a more professional room with a single oval table and a whiteboard on the wall. 

"Take a seat." Link pats a chair as he walks over to the opposite side of the table and places his laptop comfortably on its surface. They settles beside him, typing something into his phone before returning it to his pocket. I sit down across from them.

I clear my throat and stare intently at my hands as they get ready.

"I'm just pulling up some of the questions." Link reassures me, seemingly reading my expression of discomfort. "Here we go, alright."

He looks up at me and leans over into the table.

"Tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Oh, uh, well, I'm (f/n) (l/n). I've always had a knack for writing and I love reading. Um. I'm patient, ambitious, and I'm flexible, w-when it comes to work schedules, uh... and yeah." I fumble over my words.

"When did you move here?" Rhett asks. "It's obvious you didn't grow up here."

"Well, I moved to Burbank with my dad a few years ago." I answer.

"And tell me more about your writing. Is there a website I can find any of your work on?" He slides his laptop in front of him, and I feel my face flare in embarrassment.

"I write some stuff, nothing serious, nothing professional. But the people who've read them online say that they're pretty good. But honestly, they're really nothing special. I can show you some stuff I wrote in school, I'll just have to bring them in another time." I stutter all over the place in an obvious mess.

"I'd like to see whatever I can find by searching it up at the moment."

"O-okay. Well, I've written some fanfiction on, um, actually, can I just pull up an example on your computer?" I ask, and Rhett looks at Link, who agreed and turns his laptop towards me. I stand up and lean over the table, reaching the keyboard to type in the website and searching my username, pulling up one of the most NORMAL fanfictions I've ever written.

"There you go." I take a seat.

"Fanfiction." Rhett smirks. "We're definitely familiar with these."

I give a half-assed laugh despite being a complete nervous wreck.

Links eyes dart back and forth as he skims some of the writing, Rhett leaning over his shoulder and reading around as well. I let out a sigh of relief when I realize they're not really paying attention to context, but more so the wording and overall quality. Luckily I payed attention in my English and Literature electives.

"Is this a Harry Potter fanfiction?" Rhett laughs.

Oh shit. Never mind.

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