† • thirteen

69 2 8

Strange... he's off in a hurry

"Hey, do you guys mind if I sit?" I gave a smile to Jungkook and Hoseok as they peacefully sat at the cafe table.

"Yeah sure Tae, I thought you were with Jimin?" Jungkook asked me as I took a seat.

"I was but he had to run off somewhere," I shrugged my shoulders as I rested on the table.

"Heard you got him to stop smoking," Hoseok spoke up as I casually nodded my head. "Good on ya, I couldn't get him to."

"Hyung you're the one who got him into smoking originally," I sat up confused.

"That sounds like something he would do," Jungkook spoke up cheekily.

"Quiet you!" Hoseok yelled as they both held a smile.

"Kook, do you smoke?" I guess curiosity got the best of me as I asked.

"Only like once or twice at parties but no I'm not like a smoker or anything," he nicely told me while playing footsies with Hoseok under the table.

"Oh okay, well I'm gonna go get a drink," I told the boys, even though their attention was focused on winning their game. I rolled my eyes before heading over the counter to order, but not until I accidentally bump into someone.

"Shit-" the girl groaned as our shoulders collided and her coffee spilt all over the tiled floor.

"O-oh my god I'm so sorry," I rushed as we both tried to clean up the rubbish.

"It's fine seriously," she nicely spoke.

"I'm really sorry uh I'm gonna go get a mop to clean the coffee," I awkwardly rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh that's nice of you, thank you!" She had a cute smile before I headed off to the nearest supply closet in the arts corridor. I made my way down quickly so I can mop up the mess faster. I wasn't really thinking of much when I opened the door to the small room, but I stood in shock as I watched someone quickly scramble onto their feet as the other awkwardly pulled up their pants.

I was ready to apologise but I realised one of the two boys... was Jimin.


I stood in fear and I saw his face go white when he saw it was me.

"I um just need a mop..." he quickly spoke as his gaze landed on the floor. I watched as Yoongi casually grabbed a mop from behind us a pasted it to the boy. "Thanks," he whispered.

When he started to walk away I realised it was time for me to speak up. "T-Tae wait!" I went to follow him but he stopped me.

"N-no Jimin its fine, you two just go back to whatever that was... I'm just gonna go," he mumbled the last part as he continued to walk off, I went to follow him but I felt Yoongi grab my arm.

"Come on, he's gone we can continue~" he whined as he clung to me. 

"What?! No Yoongi I need to go to Tae!" Before he could speak I made my way to presumably the cafe, I practically ran to the building, I walked in to see Taehyung cleaning the floor from a spilt drink or something.

"Tae we need to talk," I whispered once I got close to him, he purposely avoided eye contact with me.

"I'm cleaning right now Jimin and I'm sorry for interrupting-" I knew he was going to keep ranting just to avoid talking to me, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his upper arm and began to walk off with him hearing the mop drop to the floor. "No seriously Jimin I should've knocked even though you really shouldn't been in there during school hours b-but its fine you can do what you want-"

"Tae," I brought us into a hallway as he rested on side of the wall while I was on the other. 

"I have no right to put my opinion on your life-" his eyes still refused to reach mine. 


"If you want to do that stuff then who am I to stop you-" I got tired of the rambling so I walked up to him and put my hands firmly on his shoulders.

"Taehyung," I spoke firmly as he finally stopped speaking, his gaze remained on his feet. 

"Yes?" he softly asked.

"You need to comes to terms with a few things," I told him nicely.

"What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath, "I lost my virginity at 15, I am sexually active and Yoongi and I call each other whenever we need each other." I watched as he visibly cringed at every word. "I'm sorry you had to see that Tae but you forget that there is a side of me you don't see very often..."

"I-I know" he stuttered out.

"But when you saw me with Yugyeom you didn't talk to me for a week and I really can't have that right now-"

"I won't do that again," he quickly blurted out. I paused as I watched his behaviour. "Look Jimin..." he took a deep breath as he finally looked me in the eyes. "...I feel really bad honestly because I feel like I'm not their enough for you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What? What do you mean?"

"You're right, there is a side I don't see which means you've probably gone through stuff that you didn't want to tell me cause I would be weirded out... a-and that makes me feel really bad and I'm sorry-"

"Calm down Tae it's not that big of a deal really," I spoke calmly as I noticed he was getting really worked up. 

"No it is, next time anything happens please tell me, I-I don't care if I find it gross or something you deserve to be able to tell me," he spoke firmly and strong and I couldn't help but nod.

"O-Okay Tae I will," I spoke softly before being engulfed in a tight hug.

"Hey, Tae I'm heading off soon you coming?" Jungkook's voice caused us to let go of each other.

"Yeah, one second!" Taehyung yelled, "I'll see you when I see you," he told me nicely before leaving a wet kiss on my cheek.

Why am I smiling so much?

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