† • fourteen

76 2 13

His eyes are so pretty, and his smile when he laughs kills me... 


I watched Jungkook intensely as he told the story of how he broke his sister's arm. To be fair I wasn't really listening to the story, I was more paying attention to the way he moved. His hands firmly on the steering wheel and how he would glance over at me sometimes to make sure I was listening. He continued his story as we made our way into his house, all happy and giddy as he spoke.

"You got so into your story," I commented as we walked into the kitchen.

"Well it's a good story!" he spoke happily, his face still held a smile. "Do you want butter chicken for dinner Tae?"

I turned around with a jump in my step, "Yes please!" I squealed happily. I saw as he lowered his head slightly watching a cute red shade on his cheeks arise.

"So cute," I heard him mumbled which caused my own cheeks to blush. "Play some music from the speakers," he told me while getting out the food. I walked over to the speaker with a skip in my step before pressing the on button letting the music play automatically.

I smiled brightly when I heard "Clap" by Seventeen come on. I walked around the living space just observing the room, quietly humming to the music while Jungkook made dinner. I stopped by the fishbowl and I stared aimlessly at the small fish swimming around. I flinched slightly when I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist.

"Food is cooking~" Jungkook sang as he chin rested on my shoulder.

"Oh, you scared me," I said with a giggle. He gave a light chuckle before a felt a soft pair of lips on my neck.

"Didn't know I was scary," he spoke against my skin causing me to smile. I melted into his touch as his hands stroked my sides as I continued staring at the fish in front of me. I focused on the feeling of his hands on my skin and his lips moving across my neck lightly, relaxing to the music that was now switched to "Starry Night" by Mamamoo. 

As we started to sway to the music it gave me the chance to really analyse what was happening. I took in a deep breath wondering if I should ask Jungkook if he was feeling the same. I sighed as I felt him softly nip at my skin, deciding it was time to bring it up.

"Hey, Kookie?" I spoke quietly.

"Hmm~" he hummed on my neck.

"Wha-What is this?" I stuttered. I felt his head slowly lift from my neck.

"That's a fishbowl Tae," he spoke nicely despite it being a stupid answer.

I couldn't help but smile, "No not that, what are we doing- what is going on between us," I took in a breath after doing the whole sentence in one take.

I heard him sigh and I felt his shoulder shrug. "I don't know really, I like what we have honestly just chilling around with each other and whatever happens happens." I nodded, despite not entirely agreeing, I bit of me wanted him to confess his feelings towards me or something just as cheesy. But that wasn't real and I had to accept that, the answer could've been way worse. I was brought out of my thought when I heard a bell go off, "Food is ready!" Jungkook happily yelled.

"Hey is it alright if you drop me at Jimin's? His house is next door to mine," I told Jungkook as we turned into our shared street.

"Why? it's pretty late Tae," he questioned as he parked on the side of the road in front of our houses.

"I know but I thought I could check on him after today," I spoke without thinking of much.

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