† • twenty-eight

53 0 14

I woke up to a throbbing in my head, I groaned in annoyance as I look around my familiar room. I was shirtless but still had my jeans on for some reason. I rubbed my head trying to remember last night, I recall crying to Jungkook and then going back inside and drinking but then I don't remember anything else. I threw my legs off the bed and began to make my way downstairs. Upstairs was still a mess with rubbish and furniture everywhere. I looked towards the guest bedroom and rolled my eyes. I reached the bottom floor seeing the area nice and cleaned up, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I walked into the living room. 

"Hey," Jungkook mumbled. He sat on the living room couch with his phone before looking up upon seeing me. "I uh, started cleaning I haven't reached upstairs yet," he told me softly. 

"W-What happened last night?" I questioned rubbing my head.

"Well after everything went down, you came back here and passed out from drinking. I kicked everyone out and put you to bed and been cleaning since," he told me kindly. 

"Thanks," I mutter quietly. I walked to the cupboard grabbing a glass before pouring water into it. I placed the glass on the table staring at it.

"Jimin?" Jungkook's voice echoed.

"You know what Jimin? I don't think I ever want to see you again." 

I rubbed my eyes in annoyance before feeling a hand on my shoulder. "You feeling okay?" Jungkook asked kindly.

I looked into his eyes, so much anger and guilt and shame washing over me. "What the fuck is wrong with us Kook?" I asked close to tears. "What possessed to make such a horrible decision?" 

Before I knew it I was being dragged into an embrace, "I know we fucked up but there's nothing we can do now," he whispered as he rubbed my back. The front door opening cued him to let go before Sana walked in.

"Hey I hoped the party was fun!" she squealed, I forced a smile for her before she gave me a quick hug. 

"Anyway I'll head off," Jungkook declared before exiting the house.

"So, how was the party?" Sana questioned with a sweet smile. 

I glanced her way as I watched her kindness come through her. It didn't take me long to break down in tears and quickly after I felt her arms wrap around me. 

"Woah what happened?" She rushed concerned.

"I-I fucked up Sana, I-I slept with Tae's boyfriend a-and he walked in on u-us-"

"Woah I told you to confess to him not sleep with his boyfriend!" she exclaimed breaking the hug.

"I-I know and I did c-confess to him but h-he rejected me and I got drunk a-and angry and I fucked up so bad!" I wallowed into my hands before my sister returned to hug me. 

"Shit Jimin, there's not much you can do for this one, " she whispered. 


I was very persistent into not going to school the following week but Sana said I still need to be social so I don't fall into a depressed slump like I wasn't in one already. The first two periods were bearable, once break came around I made my way to the canteen to see all my friends sitting on a table. Taehyung sat on side of the table and Jungkook on the other, both disengaged with the conversation and on their phone. I took a seat at the opposite end of the table away from both of them.

"Jimin! Great party man!" Hoseaok yelled and the rest all agreed, I gave a half smile in return. 

"Heard you got with someone, you came running out shirtless man you must've been wasted!" Namjoon encouraged while I prayed internally he would stop speaking.

"Well come on! Who was it?" Yoongi nudged my side.

"I-I it was no one," I stuttered to which finally caught Taehyung's attention, he looked up from his phone and our eyes met, I harshly bit my lip and looked down trying not to cry. 

"Come on it must've been someone important to get you on your birthday! Taehyung you must know something, you know Jimin's every move," Hoseok questioned.

Taehyung didn't hesitate to correct them, "Jimin and I aren't friends anymore," he stated turning off his phone and looking at everyone. Jungkook got off his phone as well. 

"What? Why? You guys have been friends for years," Namjoon asked.

"Jimin slept with Jungkook at the party," he told everyone while maintaining eye contact with me. Everyone's eyes grew wide, their gazes drifting back and forth between Jungkook and I. I looked down in embarrassment while the younger played with his fingers. 

"I-Is it true?" Yoongi asked me, everyone's eyes on me. 

"Y-Yes," I whispered. As soon as I spoke Taehyung grabbed his things and left the table. 

"Do we need to tell both of you how fucked up that was?" Namjoon began to lecture.

"No," Jungkook spat rudely.

"Hey I don't think you're in the position to have an attitude right now," Yoongi spoke up.

"You don't know the full story so I-"

"So you what? Seriously this is low even for you Jungkook," Hoseok argued.

"And you Jimin-"

Before they started talking about me I quickly grabbed my things and left, I couldn't bare to hear them yell at me as if I wasn't doing it enough to myself already. I instinctively started going after Taehyung, maybe it wasn't smart but I needed to try. I found him at his locker.


"Don't talk to me," he snapped.

"Just- argh, can we try and talk this out like we always do and we can go back to being friends a-and I'm going to learn from this and won't ever screw up... l-like smoking! I haven't smoked since I said I wouldn't I promise-!" 

"I said don't talk to me," he snapped once more before walking away.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry- fuck Jimin you're crying.

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