Season 6: Episodes 8-9

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Based on S6E8-S6E9
Carl's POV
Dad told everyone to get into the house. Logan and I ran and we got to Rons house. Dad and Michonne came and Deanna was injured but ended up that was bit and the fever was setting in. We all had to get out the house but we had to think of a plan. I went to find Ron and Logan followed me. We both found Ron in the garage.

"Ron? Hey.You all right, man?"
I asked.

"Enid's dead.We're all dead." Ron said.

"Look, my dad's gonna figure something out.
He always does." Logan said.

"That's bullshit.Your dad's just gonna get more people killed.'Cause that's what he does.
That's who he is.Your dad's a killer." Ron said.

"So was yours." Logan said.

"We need to work this out." I said.

"I'm dead, Carl.My mom is dead.
My brother is." Ron said.

"No, they're not.We're gonna make it." I said.

"Your dad-- your sisters, you're dead, too.
We're all dead." Ron said and he started attack me and Logan. We all were struggling and the walkers started coming and dad and Jessie were freaking out and trying to get us free. We all got out the garage. Logan and I covered for Ron and just lied what happened.

Ron went to go get nightstands and Jessie said we should help. We closed the door and Ron spoke up.

"Listen, I, uh-- -" Ron said.

"Hand me the gun, grip first." I said.

"Carl, I'm sorry." Ron said.

"Yeah, I know.Now give me the gun.
Look, man I get it.My dad killed your dad, but you need to know something." I said.

"Your dad was an asshole." Logan said.

We waited and waited. Dad and michonne came back with two walkers. Jessie got bed sheets for all of us. And we put the guts all over us to be like the walkers. Dad gave Judith to Logan to put her under the sheet.

We all walked out and of course Logan and I were annoyed with Sam as he kept calling for his mom. What a good way to draw attention.
We all walked around for a while and we went to one part of the yard.

"All right, new plan.Flares from a few guns aren't enough.Too many walkers, too spread out.
We're not going to the armory.We need our vehicles back at the quarry.All of us drive.
We'll need to round 'em up.We leave, we come back." Rick said.

"Okay.But Judith to the quarry and back,"
Jessie said.

"I I'll take her.Keep her safe in my church until you all lead the walkers away." Gabriel said.

"Can you do this?" Rick asked.

"I'm supposed to.I have to.I will." Gabriel said.
Logan handed Judith to Gabriel and he took her to his church to keep her safe. We all decided to walk to the cars so we can do what dad wanted to do.

It was dark and we were holding hands to stay together. Sam was getting scared and was drawing attention and Jessie tried calm him down but the walkers got him. Jessie was still holding my hand and I tried to let go and I looked at Dad.

Dad got his ax and he chopped Jessie's arm out I fell and so did Logan. My gun fell out of my holster and Ron got a hold of my gun. Ron was pointing the gun right at my dad and he was about to make a shot. Michonne killed Ron and two bullets came out.

Dad looked at Michonne. Logan and I looked right up at our dad our strong eye got shot out.
"Dad?" I called.
"Daddy?" Logan called.

Ricks POV
Logan and Carl got shot in the eye and I remained calm and I picked up Carl and Logan and Michonne helped me make a path to get to the infirmary so the twins can get help.
We both were running and we got to the infirmary.

"It's the Twins" Heath said.

"are they bit?" Spencer asked.

"Nope." Denise said.

"What?" Spencer asked.

"I need bandages. Top shelf, next to the sink.
Two IVs from the fridge and all the clean towels you can find.Aaron, grab the gurney.
This is a gunshot?" Denise asked.

"Handgun.Close range." Michonne said.

"Please save them.Please." I said.

"Michonne, towel.Hold it here.
Okay, we need to keep pressure on the wound.
I'll go in and sew up any lacerations.
Just like that, right here.Now, Spencer, I need that pan.That one on the tray.Good.
I'm going to clean and close this.
Michonne, keep following me with the towel." Denise said.
I was so stressed out and I went outside to kill the walkers to get my frustrations out.
"Rick's out there." Michonne said.

"Hold on." Denise said.

"He needs my help." Michonne said.

"Just one more suture." Denise said.

Michonne and helped soon everyone was helping and we all got the walkers killed. I was with Logan and Carl. They were in recovery from their shot in the eye.

"There will be more.There's gotta be more.
Everything Deanna was talking about is possible.
It's all possible.I see that now.When I was out there with them when it was over when I knew we had this place again I had this feeling.It took me a while to remember what it was because I haven't felt it since before I woke up in that hospital bed.I want to show you the new world, Carl and Logan. I want to make it a reality for you both. Please, Carl and Logan let me show you. Plea-- please, Twins, don't die." I said.

I was putting my head down. And I felt both my hands being squeezed so lightly and I looked up and I knew I had hope in them.

It was couple days after the incident. And I was with the twins. And they both woke up and and started coughing and Denise told me that it has to take time. I waited more and more. And they finally woke up again. I went up to them.

"Dad where's mom?" Carl asked.

I was surprised that he asked me that question. Logan was in distress too. "Dad! Where's Carl?" Logan was yelling and crying.

"Twins please" I said.
"Carl mom died and Logan Carl is next to you"

"That's not Carl he has two eyes" Logan said.

Denise came in I was confused to what was happening to my twins. Denis explained that their memory will come back it will take time.

Logan was crying and I held her. She pushed me away. I knew she wanted Carl but she is unaware what happened. I knew this was gonna be a long run for the twins.

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