Chapter 11, First

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(Daniel’s POV)

What woke me up early this morning was the sound of my phone vibrating under my pillow. I didn't normally sleep with my phone here, but I guess I fell asleep with it in my hands yesterday night. I opened my eyes and pulled my phone out, confused as it was still pretty dark outside and I didn't remember setting any alarms for this early in the morning, heck I looked over and David was still asleep. I saw the screen of my phone and my whole body froze. This wasn't an alarm, I was getting a call.

A call from Simon. I quickly slid the green phone button to the left to answer it and brought the phone up to my ear, turning to face the wall and whispering into it.

“Hello?” I answered, I heard breathing on the other end for about 20 seconds until Simon actually spoke.

“What is going on you are way past schedule!” Simon yelled this, and it caused me to jump and turn the volume down on my phone.

“I…” I began to speak but Simon cut me off.

“You what? You nothing! What is going on Daniel? You told me this would be easy for you and it's taking you forever!” Simon yelled, my mind was racing trying to think of an excuse to give him for this situation, but it was hard to come up with one, I was usually good at lying.

“I thought it was going to be a cakewalk but it turns out it's not. There's a guy here who is onto me so I have to be really careful around him, I'm trying my hardest and I can assure you the entire camp will be dead as soon as I get an opening.” I lied, Simon was silent for a but but then came back and believed what I told him.

“Ok, but you better hope you finish the job quickly, you wouldn't want me to have to send out someone else to clean up your mess now would you?” Simon threatened, I said no and shook my head even though he couldn't see me. He laughed a bit and then said goodbye, hanging up the phone before I could say anything else. I sat there in a bit of a shock, my hand shaking slightly with the phone still sitting in my palm. What was I supposed to do about this? I lied this time but I can't lie again when he calls me back next, and if Simon takes this into his own hands David and the campers are going to end up in that dreaded tube that slowly filled up inch by inch with blood…

“Hey, why are you up at the crack of dawn? That's not usual for you.” I heard someone say across the room. I looked up from my phone and spotted David, yawning and slowly sitting up in his bed. He looked like he was just waking up and I hoped this was true so he didn't hear me talking on the phone or at least process what I actually said. I tried to think of a lie about why I was just this early. I was lying a lot this morning.

“I just… I didn't really have a good sleep so I ended up waking up super early and can't fall back asleep.” I answered, this was a pretty good lie, not to complex or too simple, and very believable. David rubbed his eyes and smiled at me.

“That's too bad really, but the good news is your awake and ready for a day full of fun!” David cheered, I gave him a strange look in regards to the fact that he thought waking up early was beneficial in anyway, I guess he thought I took it another way because his whole face went red and he started waving his arms around everywhere.

“You know like family friendly rated G fun as we do camp activities and things like that!” David basically shouted this, I looked at him in a confused way and thought I heard him mumble ‘were not going to be calling anyone daddy or anything like that’ but it was such a weird statement I convinced myself that he didn't actually say that and I was hearing things. I just disregarded what he said and stood up, going over to the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. 

I looked at myself in the mirror, my blonde hair was a bit of a mess and my skin was slightly sunburnt from the previous day, my camp Campbell counselor shirt looked weird on my body because it wasn't white which was the colour I normally wore. As I stared at myself, I noticed that there was something else different about me that wasn't the colour of my shirt.

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