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Okay I never do this. Ever. Bcz I hate when ppl do author notes and crap bcz a book should be a book and if you have time to type author notes you have time to update, BUT ANYWAY! that's not the point! The point is that I'm fucking excited because I'm going to the Sam & Colby Tour!

I've never. Ever. Ever. Been in any states other than Flordia. I'm from a small town in Missouri and I've been to one concert and one state. Like I don't go anywhere and I don't do anything and I don't meet ppl.

But this summer. This summer has been awesome and I'm only two weeks in. I've gone to states and cities I've never been to and I'm meeting two famous YouTubers. Yes I've gone to a concert but when I was like 12. But this is actually meeting them and talking to them! Like wtf!😂😂😂

I'm so happy. I'm so excited! I can't even right now!

But anyway I had to post about this cause I'm flipping out. But a new chapter will be up super late tonight (after my phone charges more) or tomorrow.

Peace out, my dudes!

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