6 months

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Gomez had a doctors appointment today,he was really nervous. He sat in the waiting room and tapped his heel waiting for his name. Gomez hated doctors offices and hospitals,all the nervous stress and waiting it killed him! Another half hour of waiting the doctor called his name and he went into yet another room. 

"Ok Mr.Addams we need to run a few test starting with your blood test then we will see what we need to do from there" The doctor said. 

Gomez nodded and he sat on the bed, the nurse stuck the needle in his arm then gave the doctor a pint of Gomez's blood. The doctor and nurse stepped out for ten minutes still doing test on his blood. 

"Mr.Addams after doing many tests on your blood and I'm so sorry to say this but you have lung cancer and you only have I'm afraid 6 months to live." The doctor sighed and shook his head as he left Gomez in the room. 

'Cancer...Cancer' he sat and thought about it for a while and just put his face in his hands and cried. God how was he going to tell Morticia?His family?


At home  


Gomez locked himself in the playroom t think how he was going to break the news to his family he kept pacing and pacing and pacing until Morticia knocked on the door. 

"Darling are you alright you've been in there for 20 minutes." She asked concerned god she was so good to him this is going to be shattering. 

"Querdia please sit down I need to tell you something." Gomez was distraught still with the fact that he has cancer. 

"What's the matter my dear you seen shaky." Morticia frowned at the sight of her husband. 

Gomez sighed and took her hands and squeezed them tight and started to cry, "I-I'm sorry I'm going to be leaving you." He sobbed 

"Gomez what are you talking about wait you found someone else?"She asked looking at his face.

"No I would never it's just I-I have Cancer!" He started to sob even harder as well as Morticia. 

Morticia and Gomez cried in each others embrace afraid to let one another go. 

"No I don't want you to die not without me, Gomez you can't die you just can't" Morticia pleaded as she looked into Gomez's sad eyes. 

"I know I don't want to die either I want to stay with you forever." Gomez fell to his knees he knew what was net telling his family. "How are we going to tell Wednesday and Pugsley?" He questioned. 


Later upstairs in the living room 


Gomez and Morticia looked at eachother and almost cried knowing that he was more than likely going to die. The whole family gathered in the living room to see what Gomez was going to say but nothing could prepare them for what was going to happen. 

"Well I don't really know how to say this but..." Gomez got choked up and turned away then continued. "I have cancer." Gomez sighed the whole room went silent. "Morticia you don't know this part but I have a six month life range left." He started to cry. 

Morticia couldn't control herself she almost passed out hearing that her husband had six months to live. Mama cried as she saw her son so lost. Wednesday and Pugsley cried into their father's chest. What was going to happen now? 

Sick - Gomez and Morticia (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now