Back To Normal?

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"Cara Mia?" Gomez asked
"Darling you're ok!" She exclaimed
Gomez smiled and kissed her hand as he smiled at the rest of the family. "Father you're cured you're done you're done!" Pugsley
"What does he mean?" He asked Turing to Morticia
"You're cancer its gone! You don't have to be in pain anymore my love you're all done!" She exclaimed
He smiled wearily he was happy that his cancer was gone but these strokes are something else to worry about.
"What about the strokes? I mean that's something else to worry about! God everything is going wrong with me!" He yelled
Morticia kissed his head as she frowned and sighed there's always something.
"Darling please everything is going to be ok you're being released today and everything will go back to normal." She reassured.
He nodded as the doctor came in
" Ok Mr.Addams you're free to go but there's some rules you gotta follow for instance, I'm giving you these pills to help with your stroke attacks take one before you go to sleep and when you get up." The doctor explained
Gomez nodded he was really happy that he didn't have to do chemo anymore. They finally went home after a long day of being in the hospital
//////////////A week later//////////////
Gomez's schedule was planned out:
•Wake up and take pill
•Kiss Morticia and say hello to the family
• smoke a cigar
• repeat for a few hours
• go in the play room and lay on he nail bed
•take pill and eat dinner
• sleep
It got really simple but annoying all Gomez did was loose energy sleep and regain energy.

Sick - Gomez and Morticia (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now