Pain and frustration

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Gomez ran into Morticia's hospital room she was awake. He was furious at her but more upset with himself.
"Querdia oh my god! Are you alright how's the babies! Why would you do that to yourself!" He panicked.
Morticia looked out the window ashamed of what she did she felt horrible.
"Gomez I'm sorry I don't know why and yes they're ok." She said hoarsely
She started to cry and hyperventilate as she didn't even want to look at Gomez.
"But you tried to kill yourself and the babies why? You know that's not ok I could've helped you why didn't you say anything I would've helped you and we wouldn't be here! I thought you died I thought the babies were dead and you said you were fine but you lied to me!" He screamed.
Gomez punched the wall in frustration as she flinched.
"Gomez I-I'm sorry It was a rough time you weren't doing well and I started to get depressed and felt that I wasn't enough you should have someone better when you walked out that was it! I know I screwed up it wasn't right just please leave me alone I know what I did ok!" She argued
He was horrified at what she said he was so blind and in pain to see what pain his wife was going through.
"Morticia this was all my fault if I wasn't so selfish.."
"No Gomez it was my fault for not saying anything please- please don't blame yourself ." She sobbed
Gomez's pain seemed to dial down but now it was replaced with anger and rage so he lashed out.
"You know what it is all your fault god I don't know why you do this to yourself and to the family it's bad enough that cancer as poisoned my life but you go and make it all worse! I'm leaving good luck!" Gomez yelled
He slammed the door as she cried. He's never raised his voice to her like that she was stunned it was what she deserved though she did they to kill herself and her children so he should be mad. 'I am such a horrible person!' She thought.
I did this to myself I just want to die!

Sick - Gomez and Morticia (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now