Why Did It Happen To Us

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"Wait so that's it? You're done you're just going to give up that's Bullshit!" Wednesday yelled
They went silent  they never heard her say those things. "Wednesday darling please try to understand I-."
She cut him off, "No I get it father you're done it's ok I'll stay here with mother and take care of the twins and so will Pugsley!" She yelled
Morticia frowned he looked at him he felt guilty the twins were now a big part in his life he got up and took them form Wednesday and cried. He couldn't leave them now without them knowing their father.
"I-I won't leave you two I love you." He whispered
"Da!" Annalece yelled
Gomez smiled. They all did.
*A month later*
The twins were walking now they really know how to get around.
Draven and Annalece are perfect they play with each other a lot Wednesday is the biggest help she looks like a natural mother. Morticia and Gomez are some what happy, Gomez is still seeking treatment it's been a long time though since he had an attack of cancers deadly side affects.
Mama was serving dinner at Gomez became weak he just ignored it he thought it was because he was so hungry. As they were eating he grabbed the fork and his hand was shaking . 'What was happening to him' he thought.
"Gomez darling are you alright you're very pale." Morticia commented.
He looked at her puzzled as they all stared at him, "What do you mean I feel fine." He smiled
She nodded and continued to eat he sighed as he continued to eat.
"Mama! F-food!" Draven yelled
"Ok dear here you are." She smiled.
He sighed and fell to the floor.
"GOMEZ! Are you alright!"

Probably thinking about ending this book sometime soon don't know when tho 

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