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It's been 5 hours since Morticia's fall and she's been in and out of conciseness.
"Gomez we need to take Morticia to the hospital now! I think she's dying!" Mama screamed
Gomez panicked as Lurch sped to the hospital.
Gomez paced back and forth as they took her away in ICU.
"Mr.Addams?" The nurse called
Gomez sprung to the nurse,
"Is she going to be ok?" Gomez asked
"Well right now no she's very dehydrated and it's putting the babies at risk so she's out of it and needs to stay here for a few days." The nurse explained
"What kind of risk?" Gomez asked
"Well she could possibly loose one or both babies and plus she hasn't eaten in it looks like 5 days straight it looks like she was trying to kill herself what's been going on Mr.Addams?" The nurse asked
Gomez paused and sat down in shock kill herself? Why didn't she eat in 5 days?
"I have cancer and it's really been taking a tole on my family and it's even worse for Morticia but I would've never thought she would try to do this when she knows that she's carrying twins." Gomez cried
He sobbed as Mama was hugging him trying to console him.
"Mr.Addams she'll be awake in a few hours I'll leave you alone." The nurse said
Gomez looked helplessly at Mama he didn't know what to do he never thought Morticia would ever do this!
"Mama why? How could she do this to her children to herself? She could've talked to me!" He yelled
He was angry but more disappointed that she couldn't tell him about her problem.
"It's all my fault if I hadn't been so mean or be so stand offish she would be ok but it's all my fault!"

Sick - Gomez and Morticia (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now