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Gomez was in a hospital bed hooked up to many wires hearing beeps from machines. Morticia sat on the bed and kissed his forehead he called her name, "Morticia." No answer He tried again, "Morticia?" He asked her a little bit louder still no answer. Why wasn't she answering me? He thought. Then he heard her say words he hoped she would never say "Gomez I-I love you so much and I will miss you I know that it'll be hard when you're not here but Morrigan will be fine she knew that you love her." Morticia was crying and so was Gomez she finally kissed his forehead and everything went black. "MORTICIA WHAT NO NO NO MORTICIA! " He screamed and jumped out of bed he was a pool of sweat. Gomez went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, "God what is wrong with me I never get nightmares like that or I never get them at all." He said. Gomez splashed cold water in his face then went to bed. He laid there looking at the dark ceiling he had another daughter her name was Morrigan.

He turned his direction to Morticia would they have a daughter? Would her name be Morrigan? He kissed her forehead as her eyes darted open, "Gomez what are you doing up?" She looked at him with a questioning look.

"Well I had a nightmare about dying and you saying that you loved me and it felt so real I thought I was dying." Gomez explained the dream to her.

"We had a daughter?" Her eyes got bigger. "Yes we did and her name was Morrigan it was almost as she was just born that I died oh Querida what if that's real !"Gomez exclaimed Morticia looked at him shocked at what he said but quickly ran to bathroom to spill her guts. Gomez sprinted after her and held her hair back, "Oh Gomez what if your dream comes true?" Morticia looked at him as she once again put her head in the toilet.
"I won't let that happen to us I promise." He said to her. She hugged him tight it's been a while since they had a hug like this it was a never let me go hug. Gomez lifted her up and carried her into bed and tucking her in and crawling in bed himself. "Goodnight Querdio please get some sleep."

Sick - Gomez and Morticia (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now