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Gomez POV
She's never going to forgive me she probably hates me and I don't blame her. As we're reaching the house my stomach was in knots she hates me now.
"Morticia we have him!" Mama yelled
Morticia came down the stairs and slapped Gomez right in the face as her face turned into anger.
"Why did you leave? I thought you hated me I thought you were never ever coming back!" She yelled
Gomez frowned he didn't know what to say he couldn't defend himself.
"Morticia please"
She ran upstairs crying and slammed their bedroom door.
Gomez slowly followed and pounded on the door "Querdia please listen I'm sorry for the pain I caused you." He sighed
She cut the heads off of her roses as she let go in.
"Gomez do you realize that I can't predict the future with your time span coming to end I can't  say that you aren't going to live cause I don't know." She said though her teeth "I can't say that everything is going to be ok anymore because I don't have that confidence anymore!" She yelled
Gomez sat on their bed in defeat that was true she was really trying to be strong.
"Morticia I'm really sorry I was so caught up in the moment I just didn't know what to do." Gomez explained
Morticia sat next to him and put her head on his shoulder "Gomez I want you to know that I pray every night that you won't die and if you do that I will have my last goodbye with you I try so hard and sometimes it's just not enough." Morticia cried
Gomez gave her a big hug and kissed her on her forehead this is what they missed.
"Cara you really do try and it is enough don't even question that and what a good life we built for everyone it's ok you're a great person and that's why I love you." Gomez said
See I ended it on a good note hope you enjoyed!!

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