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"He's awake?" She whipered
The doctor nodded they went back into ICU leaving the children, mama, Fester.
"Now here's the thing since he had the stroke he's more prone to having one in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for those signs if he complains about numbing and not feeling anything then he's going to have a stroke so rush back here." He explained
She nodded as they entered Gomez's room as she saw all his wires she held his hand and smiled, "Darling... it's me." She whispered.
"QUERDIDA!" He yelled
"Hush love yes I'm here you had a mini stroke and you'll be ok I promise you and I'll be here all the way." She reassured him.
He smiled he was so out of it he started laughing she looked back at the doctor as he nodded.
"You know I love you right Querdida you're the best thing that ever happened to me you stayed with me all this time you're so brave and strong I'm so weak I can't even imagine the pain that you're going through and I'm sorry that I'm the cause of it I'm so glad that you have the children and that you're takin care of everything. I'm sorry Querdida I i." He cried as he went to sleep.
She kissed his forehead and went out of the room
"He's ok Mama he's ok he says that he's sorry for everything he put us through he's sleeping peacefully now." She smiled
Mama nodded and bopped Draven on her knee as he laughed.
"You know Morticia I'm really proud of you as well you've overcame so much that people would've died to go through that pain. But truthfully I'm really worried about Gomez I know his cancer is gone-''
"It's not it'll never go away it'll always be with him he's still seeking treatment he's dying everyday and this stroke probably made things worse!" She shouted
Mama was silent for just a moment, "Dear, he will get better it will go away I promise you."
"Party of Gomez Addams?" The nurse called
They all rushed over with hope that he'll be better, "We ran some test and it looks like the cancer is almost gone we'll do one more treatment and he should be better by the next month but he's stroke prone still but not as rational." The nurse explained
A sigh of relief came from the whole family as it brought another damper on them.
"Surprisingly the cancer is going away we thought given how severe it was that it would never go away Mr.Addams has given up about 4-6 months worth of treatment and that it's working is truly remarkable now you may see him he's in a stable room." She smiled
The whole family cheered and hugged as they moved down the hall to see Gomez.

Sick - Gomez and Morticia (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now