Chapter 14: Daisy

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"I would take the light out the stars to help you see

Anything to guide you straight to me"



Mr. Lavender came back from his long business trip and was very content with the work Sebastian and I had done together for him. The two of them spent an entire morning locked inside the meeting room and when Sebastian was leaving, he secretly winked at me, which made me blush like the good old times.

Ten minutes before lunch break, I received a text from him.

Sorry, skipping lunch today. Busy af. I will call you tonight, ok? -S

I sighed. Lunch alone thinking about him. Exactly like the good old times.

Ok, go back to work! Can't wait for tonight!

You are beautiful. Couldn't resist to wink at you. -S

I smiled and covered my mouth with a hand in excitement. It was the first time he would compliment me like that.

Thank you! Talk soon, Mr. Winker! ;)

My office phone rang, I picked up.

"Mr. Tobias Reynolds is here to see you, Miss Montgomery" Grace's squeaky voice announced.

I heard Toby's voice in the distance. "It's Toby."

"Just Toby, sir?"

"Toby Reynolds. Everyone calls me Toby."

Grace laughed and I found out that her laugh was even worse than her voice.

I chuckled. "He can come in, Grace. Thank you."

Toby entered the office, hands in his pocket. I wasn't surprised to see Grace's head popping up from behind the wall. She was looking at Toby with her mouth wide open and her eyes kept on going back and forth from me to him. She was probably wondering how come I was suddenly surrounded by hot guys.

I lowered my head in embarrassment, Toby saw me, turned quickly towards Grace - who disappeared at the speed of light - and reached my desk.

He sighed. "She was staring at my ass, wasn't she?"

I burst into laughter and he followed me a few seconds later. But for some reason, I was so amused that my laugh grew more and more intense, so much that I bent over because of cramps in my abdomen.

Toby quickly came to my rescue, bending one knee on the floor, right in front of me.

"I said that you have the best laugh ever, but I didn't mean it could kill you!" he smiled.

"Please stop!" I prayed, breathless.

He took my hands. "Look at me" he whispered. "Breathe."

I did. I had no idea of what there was about his amber eyes full of stars, but it was definitely something meaningful. Something that had the power to calm me down and making me forget the reason why I had almost shouted to his face the night before.

A minute later, I was still smiling but not killing myself with laughter anymore.

Toby stood up and offered me his hand. "Would you like to go to lunch with me, Lily?"


We went to the bar where I would usually spend my lunch breaks alone waiting for Sebastian to acknowledge my existence. This was my very first meal in company there. We chose a table by the window and both Toby and I ordered the soup of the day, which was tomato soup, my favorite.

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