Chapter 37: You're beautiful

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"I saw your face in a crowded place

And I don't know what to do

'Cause I'll never be with you"

-James Blunt


Time runs fast when you try to stay focused on something in order to forget something else.

Felicity travelled back home one day after me, we spent a couple of days eating pizza, ice cream and chips while watching all the Harry Potter movies and then we made a trip to Disneyland Paris, where we tried to steal Prince Philip and Prince Eric from their princesses - not without success, they bought us a beer when their shift ended -. Then, we returned home, took Sherlock from Ben and she helped me moving my stuff from Sebastian's house.

Before returning to work, I decided to create new artworks inspired by the American landscape that I had seen. No more stars, but oceans, beaches, cliffs, trees and bright sun; landscapes so huge that people were only small spots. I believed that this kind of perspective made us humans feel so insignificant that our personal problems became even more insignificant. My editor liked the idea and decided to change my contract and involve me in a book project.

"Explain" Felicity said on the other line.

"Well..." I looked around. Mr. Lavender was talking on the phone in his office and Melissa was typing as usual. There was no one else in sight. "Basically, they are publishing this book of aphorisms and poems and they want to use my artworks as background images. My name will be featured on the cover."

"Wow!" she sounded really excited and I smiled. "Lily, this is a BIG opportunity for you!"

My smile widened. "I know" I whispered. "The contract also says that my fee will double, for each project I will be a part of in the future, and I will receive a good share for every copy sold."

"Oh my God..." Felicity breathed. "Looks like Mickey Mouse has blessed you in Disneyland Paris!"

I laughed. "Felicity... this means that now I can afford to be a full-time artist."

Although I couldn't see her, I knew that Felicity's smile was shining bright and her brown eyes were showing pride for me. "You really are a warrior princess, my friend" she said, her voice warm.

I was touched by her tone full of friendly love and noted to myself to hug her and buy her a big present, just because she was my beloved soul sister. "So... have you talked to Harold?" I asked.

"We texted" she replied. I could tell she was blushing. "We'll Skype tomorrow night."

"Perfect" I nodded. "So we can spend our Sunday breakfast chatting about him!"

We laughed and my office phone rang. "Hold on a minute" I said to Felicity, and I picked up.

"Miss Montgomery, the party at David H. Pierce has begun" said Grace quite seriously.

"Thank you, Grace. I'm coming." I hung up and recovered my mobile phone conversation with Felicity. "I have to go. Sebastian's goodbye party has just begun."

"Congratulate to him for me as well, please."

"Will do. See you later."

I got up and turned towards Melissa. "Melissa, are you coming to David H. Pierce with me?"

She stopped typing and, to my surprise, got up as well. The sight of Melissa standing was as rare as true UFO sightings. I had always imagined her teleporting from home to her office desk and back. She knocked on Mr. Lavender's door, slightly opened it and murmured something before closing it again.

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