Chapter 6

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The next day, all I could think about is how I will talk to Steve without Marcus being around.

I had third hour with Steve, but Marcus is always next to him. I also have sixth hour with them both. The only class I have alone with Steve is fourth hour, it was perfect. Now I had to think about what I was going to say to him.

Maybe I could hint at the Valentines dance , it was a month away and it wasn't announced yet but our school had it every year so we all knew it was coming up.


It was finally fourth hour. Time to talk to Steve.

I got to class a little later than usual because I wanted to fix my hair and makeup in the bathroom a little. As soon as I walked in, the bell rang and everybody took their seats.

Steve sat all the way across the room in the back. He always seemed so lonely back there but that's where Mrs. Norman, our algebra teacher, put him.

I was shaking the entire time Mrs. Norman explained today's lesson, I was so nervous.

Towards the end of class, after everyone finished the assignment, she let us walk around and talk until class ended.

I started to walk over to Steve but then I stopped myself and went back.

Then I realized that we're friends and I shouldn't be nervous, so I started to walk over to him again.

"Hey Steve." I said. I didn't feel so nervous anymore.

"Hey, what's up?"

After that, it all went smoothly.

"So, um, the Valentines day dance should be coming up." I said.

"Yeah." he replied.

There was an awkward silence.

"I was wondering if maybe we can hang out there." I said in a hopeful voice.

"Yeah, I'd like that, but you know what I would like even more?"

I started to get nervous again, "no, what?"

"If you were my girlfriend."

Right then, I could feel my face getting red.


"Yeah, Monica, I really like you."

"It never seemed like it, is this a joke?"

"No, no, I'm serious. I've liked you for a while, I just thought you liked my best friend so I didn't say anything."

"Oh." I started to feel really warm and happy, "well I'm over him now."

"I know."

"I'll be your girlfriend."

"Awesome, then I'll be your boyfriend."

The bell rang right after, and Steve and I walked out of class together.


After school that day, I waited eagerly for Andrew to message me. While I waited I did my homework. Then finally..

Andrew: hey :).

Monica: hey! Guess what?

Andrew: What? :)

Monica: I have a boyfriend now!

Andrew: That jerk, Marcus? It better not be him.

Monica: lol, no, it isn't. It's a guy named Steve, Marcus's best friend, I might've mentioned him before.

Andrew: Oh, ok. :) I'm happy for you!

Monica: Thanks :). Anyways, how is you and Mariam?

Andrew: We're still not talking. :/ I'm starting to think that things with her are just not working out.

Monica: I'm sorry to hear. :/

Andrew: It's fine, if me and her don't work out, then things just aren't meant to be...

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