Chapter 8

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That day after school, I waited for Andrew to log in.

As soon as I saw the little green dot by his name, I messaged him.

Monica: Hey!

Andrew: Hey :).

Monica: Guess what?

Andrew: What?

Monica: I'm single now!

Andrew: Well you're taking it pretty well.. what happened?

Monica: I caught Steve making out with some 6th grader so I broke up with him. He was pissed and everyone saw, and I was the first girl to ever break up with him!

Andrew: Wow, I'm glad you're happy at least. :)

Monica: What's wrong?

Andrew: Mine and Mariam's relationship is falling apart and I honestly think it's time to break up with her for good, I'm tired of this fighting and ignoring, I thought I really liked her but I guess not anymore. What do you think I should do?

I thought about that for a minute. I am literally what will make Andrew single or in a relationship.

Monica: I think you should do what makes you happy. If you're happier with her, keep her, if not, break up with her.

Andrew: Thanks, that really helped. :) For an 8th grader, you give really good advice.

Monica: Lol thanks.


Later that day, I went to Paige's house.

I told her all about Steve and that 6th grader and I got her all caught up. She told me about her girl drama, and then we just watched a movie.

My phone vibrated. It only did that if I got a text or a Facebook message or something.

"Who was that?" she asked. I guess the vibration was pretty loud.

"It was nobody I bet, let's get back to the movie." I said.

I had a feeling it was Andrew and Paige would not be happy if she found out I was actually becoming really good friends with him.

My phone vibrated again.

I checked my phone. It was a Facebook message from Andrew.

"Ooh , who texted you. A boy?"

"No one." I replied.

She looked down at my phone.

"Oh my god, you added that horse looking freak."

"I can explain."

She just started laughing. Well she took it better than I thought she would.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"Why would I be? He's a freak and you're friends with him." she just kept laughing, "what did he say?"

I looked down at the messages.

Andrew: Hey. :) Guess what?

I took your advice and I broke up with my girlfriend, I'm single now lol. And so are you.. ;)

"Wow, you're closer than I thought." she said, "you told him to dump his girlfriend? Do you like him?"

"No, him and his girlfriend are just having problems and I told him to do what would make him happy." I said.

But was I starting to like him?

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