Chapter 15

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After school, I talked to Andrew, like always.

Monica: So guess what?

Andrew: What? :)

Monica: Well you know how I dated Steve and then he cheated on me with that 6th grader?

Andrew: Yes.

Monica: Well, today he admitted that he made a mistake and he really likes me and wants me back..

Andrew: Oh. So you have a boyfriend again?

Monica: lol, nope. I'm not stupid, I know he's just saying that so he can get back at me for breaking up with him or something. Anyways, I'm so over him.

Andrew: Oh, good!

Monica: Why is that good?

Andrew: I just didn't want to see you hurt anymore, since you're like my best friend. :)

Monica: Thanks. :)

For a second, I thought he was going to say that he likes me, but I guess he doesn't. Maybe he just sees me as his friend, or a little sister, not his girlfriend.

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