6 - Sexy Back

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I suggest you listen to the song while reading the story

For one night only, I wanted to be just a young girl going to dance in the Detroit nightclub, along with her friends, instead of being a policeman's daughter.

I was having fun, I was laughing and sweating with my two female friends from school.

That evening I was wearing a dress that went up to my knees, while I was dancing shoulder to shoulder at my friends, with my hands high in rhythm with the music and the lights.

When I looked up, in the crowd, near the bar, I saw a figure I recognized.

-Girls, my babysitter has arrived. I'm coming in a moment- I yelled at my friends who smiled and nodded, dancing together hand in hand.

I smiled at that scene and made space in the crowd, coming in front of him.

-Connor, what the hell are you doing here? - I screamed, seeing him look at me with a neutral look.

-The Sergeant told me to keep an eye on you, he will not be back for a week- Connor informed me, looking at me entirely, then looking beyond me.

I saw him curiously watching the dance floor, just smiling.

-Do you want to try?- I said, pointing behind me. Connor moved his naive look on me, not understanding.

Fortunately he had left his android uniform at home and wore a simple black shirt, a tie and a dark trousers.

He was so damn sexy.

- I take it like a yes - I screamed, taking his tie and dragging him to the rhythm of music in the crowd, arriving between my two friends who saw him as they saw him, smiled appreciatively.

We girls, began to dance around him who stood like a pole, watched the three of us walk around and dance to the rhythm.

I stood next to his ear, while my friends kept dancing around.

-What is it, CyberLife did not give you any notions about dancing, Connor? - I whispered in his ear, seeing him raise an eyebrow, surprised by that question.

I laughed at his expression, continuing to dance around him, seeing his blue LED blink repeatedly.

I closed my eyes, continuing to dance with my hands up, feeling the music in my whole body, surprising me as soon as I felt some hands on my hips and someone's body dancing following my rhythms.

With the corner of my eyes I saw Connor's gaze, and his face approached my ear, this time.

-It's okay like this?- He asked me, following my movements with his body against mine, as I wore my head back and closed my eyes, feeling his hands rise from my hips, until I tread my body and reach the my hands at the top, intertwining his hands with mine.

The CyberLife with Connor had done a really good job: no woman would have managed to resist his charm, his charm even if android, and know him for more than two months for 'my father' fault, certainly did not diminish the desire to know what would you try to kiss your lips.

I turned to him, without leaving the hands of our hands, seeing him look into my eyes with a different light.

-Your accelerated beat and your dilated pupils indicate how much you're having fun- Connor said, looking at me.

- Shut up - I said with a smile on his face, approaching him, capturing his lips in mine, approaching me with the body more to him.

For a moment, he did not return the kiss, then he began to kiss the kisses initially calmly, then with more heat, while I felt warmer and I needed to move my hands in his hair so I let her go down and laid her down behind his neck, sliding my fingers through his hair, grabbing a lock and pulling it, feeling Connor stop for a moment and moan.

His free hand rested on my side, squeezing it firmly, while the other hand pulled away from mine to rest on my neck, moving my hair, allowing Connor to approach it and leave a warm kiss on my neck. 

-God ... - I said, bringing my head back, feeling almost ecstatic at that gesture. He went up to kiss my neck slowly until I could not do it anymore.

-Connor ... - I said short of breath, panting.

I heard him laugh on my skin. I put my hands in his hair and flickered them, I raised his head, seeing a different light in his eyes.

-Let's go home- I said breathlessly, seeing him nod.

I was tired anyway for the day at the disco, but I still wanted to go home with Connor.

Once home, we tried to do as little as possible to avoid waking up Sumo, who was quietly sleeping in the living room.

I took Connor's hand and ran into my room, closing the door behind me. Time to turn around and see that Connor's lips were still on mine, hands on my hips, rising slightly from the ground to move against the bed.

As Connor continued to cuddle me with his kisses, I rested my head on his shoulder, not seeing anything anymore.

The little light that came through the shutter made me blink several times, while I noticed that I was completely abandoned on someone's chest, my leg over his body and his hand that gentle and light, with light thumb strokes drawings on my naked skin.

I recognized his shirt and smiled, looking up slowly.

-Finally you're awake- tried to scold Connor, as I closed my eyes and laughed more.

-Hello also to you- I said putting my hand on his chest, next to my head. I felt his lips leave a sweet kiss on my hair.

-If you continue with that hand, I risk falling asleep again- I confessed, feeling my eyes get heavy again.

Suddenly he moved his hand from my leg to my face, moving my hair, so as to give him a clean view of my face.

-Yesterday you were beautiful- she confessed to me, while a corner of her mouth rose.

-Do you say that this morning I'm ugly? - laughed at my joke, seeing him look at me in two slits.

-It's a joke, Connorsi giving him a pat on the chest.

I got out of bed, seeing Connor ready to talk.

-I'm a deviant- he confessed, and I glared at him.

-I know- I smiled at him.

-How do you know?- He asked, sitting down in bed.

-I realized a few days before dad left. The two Tracy cases changed Connor. And then you would never have done what happened yesterday at the disco, even if you had ordered it - I said crawling on the bed, kissing him on the lips, seeing him smile and caress my cheek in a tender way.

-I love you- he told me in a whisper. I blushed in surprise.

-I love you too- I replied, seeing his smile grow even more.

CONNOR - ONE SHOTS SONGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن