The Ship Names

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There are so many 😥

Medic ships:

-Medic x Medic: Medicest, Double Dosage, Doppleganger

-Medic x Engie: Science Party, German Engineering, Glasses and Goggles, Strings, Mechanical Heart, Bioengineering

-Medic x Spy: Poison Dagger, Covert Operations, Gentle Surgery, Andouille

-Medic x Sniper: Urine Sample, Bush Medicine, Vanbulance, Head Over Heels

-Medic x Heavy: Red Oktoberfest, Heavy Medicine, Birds and Bears

-Medic x Demo: Jaegerbombs, Scotchtoberfest

-Medic x Scout: Blunt Trauma, Quick Fix

-Medic x Solly: Fruit Scones

-Medic x Pyro: Cauterizer, Burn Ward, Hot Pocket

Engie ships:

-Engie x Engie: Engiecest, Engicest, A Little More Gun, Hoe-down, →Engineering Majors←

-Engie x Medic: Science Party, German Engineering, Glasses and Goggles, »Strings«, »Mechanical Heart«, »Bioengineering«

-Engie x Spy: Napoleon Complex, Practical Espionage

-Engie x Sniper: Trucks N' Vans, Outback Steakhouse

-Engie x Heavy: Heavyneer, Heavy Metal

-Engie x Demo: Short Fuse, →Detonated Bombs←

-Engie x Scout: Texas Two-Step, Quick Study, →Sharp Shooter←

-Engie x Solly: Helmet Party, →American Engineering←

-Engie x Pyro: Texas Toast, Three Rubber Gloves, Firetrucks, Camp Fire, Fire Forged

Spy ships:

-Spy x Spy: Spycest, En Doublé Baguette, French Dinner

-Spy x Medic: Poison Dagger, Covert Operations, Gentle Surgery, Andouille

-Spy x Engie: Napoleon Complex, Practical Espionage

-Spy x Sniper: Sniperspy, Spyper, Great Barrier Thief, French Kisses Down Under, Bloody Suit, Hide and Seek, Stick Figures, Knife Party (so many o.o)

-Spy x Heavy: Spoovy, Ice Wine, Russian Roulette, Red Gauloises, KGBrie

-Spy x Demo: Bomb Voyage, Scottish Wine

-Spy x Scout: Daddy Issues, Silent Running, Seduce Me, Cloak And Batter, Little Wine

-Spy x Solly: Freedom Fries

-Spy x Pyro: French Toast, French Fries, →Gentle Warmth← (I thought of that one)

Sniper ships:

-Sniper x Sniper: Snipercest, Twice The Shot

-Sniper x Medic: Urine Sample, Bush Medicine, Vanbulance, Head Over Heels

-Sniper x Engie: Trucks N' Vans, Outback Steakhouse

-Sniper x Spy: Sniperspy, Spyper, Great Barrier Thief, French Kisses Down Under, Bloody Suit, Hide and Seek, Stick Figures, Knife Party

-Sniper x Heavy: Heavy Sniper, Vegemite Sandvich, Vodka Shots

-Sniper x Demo: Piss Drunk, Swordvan, Bringing Sexy Black, Bloody Drunk, Explosive Shots, →Jazz Band←

-Sniper x Scout: Speeding Bullet, George Washington Clipart, Coffee N' Cola

-Sniper x Solly: American Aviators, Piss Fueled Rockets, Mutually Assured Destruction

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