Weird Things about Me.

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I'm a weird person apparently due to my likings. XD

My personality is full of different sides, I'm like a mash up of so many different ones.

So yeah. Let's start.

1. People seem to really be grossed out by this, but I love soggy cereal.

2. I also love soggy cookies. Especially oreos. I like my cookies very soggy to the point where I have to pickt them up with a spoon.

3. I like waffles drenched in sweets like caramel, honey, and lechera con cajeta (spanish stuff).

4. I have an obsession to Classical Music. Like, no kidding. I love how musical they sound with all the different instruments, and I love how it's always so clear on dynamics, and together.. (Is this why people think I am mature?)

5. I like to take showers every day, sometimes even 2. People say it's bad for the hair but I see my hair completely normal.

6. I don't find BTS cool or interesting.

7. I don't know what K-pop is tbh and I'm too lazy to look it up.

8. With a bright lighting, my hair looks like I have highlights.

9. I've had deep throating competitions at my school during lunch with a table of 25 people in secret. XD

I came in 3rd, and it's so funny how it was a gay dude that won 1st.

10. I like to constantly open the fridge for no reason, and like to walk around in my house just because I can.

11. When I take a shower, I normally take like an hour but at least half of the time I'm secretly practicing on how to improve my make up skills

12. I like it when people rub/caress my ear ever since I was a child. It relaxes me.

13. I sometimes wrap myself in a burrito when I'm alone and locked inside my bedroom. It's fun.

14. I'm ticklish behind my knee.

15. I'm ticklish in my neck.

16. I make weird evil laughs when I'm alone.

17. Sometimes when I'm alone I start zapateando. It's a dance hispanic people do at parties.

18. Sometimes I begin talking to my dog with a retarded voice and just act so out of my mind.

19. I have crooked pinkies.

20. It's not noticeable when my feet don't touch the ground, but when I stand, my toes kinda get crooked. The point outwards. XD

I'm really insecure about that ever since my dad pointed it out playing around.

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