Meeting Duckbutt

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Hey guys! Twix here! I'm updating this the same night as I did the first one so you guys can get more of this! Anyways, on to the story!

Waking up and going to the academy was easier than expected. I mean, your school in the real world made you be there two hours before the academy did. That being said, waking up wasn't a problem. You noticed that you had a bunch of clothes in the same style as the one you had on, and there was also some plain Pajamas so you didn't have to sleep in the outfits as well, though they are quite comfortable. You got dressed and fixed your hair quickly, as you noticed Naruto was already out the door, but before he shut it behind him, you noticed a paint can in his hand and you smirked slightly. You had to go to the Hokage's office because there was a note on the clothes that said to meet up with him so he could personally introduce you to the class. You started to walk to the Hokage's office, and then you heard the sounds of Naruto's loud laughter and Ninjas yelling his name. You slightly chuckled before continuing to go to the Hokage's office. When you entered it seemed he had been waiting for you.
"Ahh, (y/n) there you are. Are you ready to get going?" He asked, waiting for your reply. You slightly smiled and looked up at him.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Mate!" You exclaimed, adding a little catchphrase at the end. He chuckled at your adorable reaction before leading you to the academy, where he was about to introduce you.

~small time skip~

As you and The Hokage went up to the class door, you could hear Iruka slightly yelling at Naruto. The Hokage had a weird look on his face before knocking. You leaned back and forth on your feet, as you heard Iruka stop is lecture on Naruto to answer the door. He looked at the Hokage first, confused as to why he was here, and then he looked down and noticed you. He stepped to the side and let the Hokage in, all the children that started small talk when Iruka answered the door quieted down. You walked with the Hokage's hand on your back, leading you to the center of the room.

"This is (y/n), make sure to treat her with the up most respect." The Hokage sternly told the students before patting your head and walking out of the room. You looked around the room, and noticed the 8 familiar faces, besides Naruto because he was off to the side. The other kids were like background noise and the others stood out like sore thumbs. You looked at Iruka who smiled at you, as a cue you decided to introduce yourself.

"Hello! As Lord Hokage said, my name is (y/n), I hope we can be friends!" You announced to the class, waiting for Iruka to give you further instructions.

"Alright (y/n), why don't you take a seat next to Sasuke over there." Iruka said as he pointed towards the Raven haired boy. You nodding and walked over towards the table that he sat at, and you sat on the other side, leaving the middle open. You didn't look at him, scared of the fan girls so you just continued to face the front.  Iruka decided to make you come down again to answer questions that the Others wanted to ask. You internally groaned before walking back down with an annoyed look on your face. You stood in front of the class yet again and let some people ask questions, which was quite a few. You stood there and decided to answer some.

"Why are you wearing that?" One kid asked, and you sighed.

"It reminds me of where I came from. My home, though Konoha is my home now it keeps my past alive." You told the class, catching the attention of all the kids, including Sasuke.

"Why aren't you wearing shoes?" Kiba asked you, and you looked up at him and smiled

"I can feel the earth more with them off, I can show you guys sometime if you wanna see me bend." You said, looking at Iruka.

"After you answer the rest of the questions we can go outside and you can show them your bending." Iruka said, and you knew that the Hokage had told him about you. Now for more questions.

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