Spirit Training

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Hello! I missed you all!

Training for the Final Part of the Chunnin Exams was tough. One day you would be training with Jiraiya and then you would be with Aang. Today was the day you would be training with Aang. Of course, You have been training your super secret ultimate move, which you didn't know what to do with because you couldn't change much of the timeline.

Anyways, here you were training with Dragons. Yes, You heard that right. Dragons. Aang told you that this was how he learned, which you knew that already, but he didn't need to know that.

"Now, You have to be Big! Breath big and be Fierce." Aang instructed as you blew out a Massive amount of blue fire from your mouth, while your hands were stretched out from the side in a T like position as flames shot from your fists. You let it slowly disperse as you looked at your Teacher in approval. He nodded with a Smile.

"You did great, Now let's go work on Water." You sighed before following him.

The exercise Aang has been doing is doing two each day, but the two were their opposites. Yesterday, It was Earth and Air. Aang told you that using the two opposing elements would make you more comfortable. Which to be fair, it was working but it was still tough.

You made it to a Crystal Blue Lake, The moon making the Lake slightly push and pull onto shore. You stared around you, It was beautiful. It was night time but it was still so bright and warm. You relished in the feeling this place gave you.

"I want you to meet someone." Aang told you, and he smiled while looking behind you. You turned and spotted a Beautiful woman with dark hair and blue eyes. She wore a Water Tribe outfit.

"This is Katara. Katara, This is (Y/n). She's the new Avatar." Aang informed The Woman, who smiled at you.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you. I'm here to help you improve Water Bending, and We'll work on BloodBending." Katara informed you, and you nodded.

You've been working hard on the branches of your elements. Lightning, Metal and Airbending was so intricate as it is. You can literally take your soul out of your own body. It's a lot. Now, back to Water.

"You wanna feel smooth, like the water itself. Slowly, But surely, going back and forth." Katara Instructed as your hands pushed and pulled the water, like how the ocean is. You did this for awhile, and it honestly made you feel more comfortable with water. Yeah Yeah, You seemed ubber powerful in the beginning, but now you kinda suck.

'that's what shitty author gets for making me a mary sue.' you thought to yourself, before mysteriously falling on your face.  You groaned.

'I regret nothing'

Anyways, back to training with Katara.

This had been going on for a bit and it was beginning to make you sleepy. Hearing the gentle lull of the waves pushing and pulling made it hard for you to keep your eyes open. Katara Noticed this.

"How About We pick this up another day, Yeah?" She said, and you nodded. You waved goodbye as you concentrated on leaving.

You opened your eyes to see that Jiraiya was about to Yeet Naruto down into a gully.

Oh Yeah, did I mention that you already could summon things pretty well. However, it's not a toad or anything.

Flying Bison, Leamors, and the weird animals in the Avatar universe was at your disposal. Hell, With enough training you could probably summon a Dragon.

You watched with disinterest, waving at Jiraiya so he knew you were leaving and began to walk home. You didn't know really where you were going, but you did wanna sleep. As soon as you made it through the gates of the hidden leaf and into a more secluded part of town, you noticed a trail of Sand wrapped around your foot, restricting you from taking another step.

"Gaara, Obviously it's you so quit being weird." You said out loud, and you heard footsteps approaching you. You looked to see his cold eyes looking at you. You never knew what this bipolar little shit was thinking, but you loved him all the same.

"What's up my guy, Need something?" You asked, to which he just moved to place his head on your shoulder.

"I'm so tired." He monotonously whispered, and you took his hand, leading him somewhere. He didn't question it, he just followed. That's what he did for you. He followed you like a lost puppy. No one treated him with gentleness before, so he wanted to hold on to it. You were like a beautiful estranged butterfly. He wanted to Clip your wings so you couldn't fly away from him, but it wasn't the time for that, not yet at least. You lead him back out of the Village, to a meadow that you remember going to when you were training. It was pretty. Different flowers were scattered about, and a small stream created a soothing sound as the water drifted along its path.

You shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be helping him so much, even though you knew that he gets better, but you needed to do this. For your ego? Your own selfish desires to be wanted by someone? Who knows? Perhaps having Gaara wanting so much from you gave you something. A sense of Belonging. These thoughts echoed in your head some nights, causing you to lay awake and think.

"I come here to relax, and take breaks." You softly told him, sitting down and leaning against a tree, pulling him down with you. He rested his head on your shoulder, and you could tell he wanted nothing more then to close his eyes and relax. You couldn't blame him. The thing inside him keeps him up, and if you weren't around to regulate it, disaster would follow.

"Why do you help me, You could always run away." Gaara spoke up from nowhere, and you pondered on that.

"Because, I would want someone to be there for me, if i was in the position you are in. It must feel lonely. You and I aren't so different. There's something inside me that doesn't belong to me, per say. I was given a power so strong that I've become weak, and I need to control it. To see someone stand alone, with a power that harms them so much, it hurts. I cant bare to see you go through that alone. I won't." You finished your word vomit, and you heard light snores. You smiled to yourself. It didn't matter if what you just said was talk into the open air. It felt good to say that, to let it all out. Even if he was asleep.

But somehow,

You knew he heard you.

this chapter is so short and i just word vomited most of it so i'm sorry, it didn't add much to the plot but i hope you all enjoyed it anyways. I look forward to seeing you all again soon

- Twix❤️

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