Battle on the bridge

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I woke up dreading today. I knew today would be the day that we fought Zabuza and Haku. I hope that me being here could Change their fates. I was with Kakashi and the others as we went to the Bridge. We let Naruto sleep in, as his training seemed to tear him down. As we got closer I saw the Familiar scene of the workers unconscious on the ground. The mist had set in by then and everything grew still as we waited for them to show theirselves. You all stood in formation to guard Tazuna, ready for any unsuspected attack. Zabuza revealed himself along the mist with a cocky look on his face.

"I'm ready to kill these brats one by one." Zabuza said out loud, but you knew he was most likely talking to Haku. As if knowing he was being thought about, Haku appeared and stood by his master. He awaited orders like a dog.

"Have we scared you? That one is trembling with fear." Zabuza smirked and chuckled.

"I'm trembling..with excitement." Sasuke lowly stated with a grin on his face. You looked over at him with a weird look on your face.

'uhhh what a weird thing to say.' you thought to yourself before focusing back on the task at hand. You quickly scanned the area. Although you weren't at a disadvantage, as you can control the elements, the others need to be careful. Someone could just plummet into the water.

'I know I watched what happened here, but I can't say if it will be the same because I might just mess it all up. Damnit!' You angrily thought to yourself. You were only brought out of your thoughts by Haku speaking.

"Let me Handle him and the Avatar Zabuza."

Haku said in a monotone voice, as if he was trying not to have a heart. Though, you knew otherwise. Zabuza nodded before letting Haku step forward.

Sasuke and I got in a good fighting stance and waiting for his first move.

"I'm sorry in advance for this, i'm doing this for someone very precious to me." He said before trying to attack us. He went after me first, throwing many senbon in my direction. I used to airbending to easily deflect them and he seemed to be unhappy about that. You smirked at his irritation and got into another stance. You felt the water below the bridge. You heard it and felt it move underneath you. It was such a good feeling for you to be connected with the earth. You flicked your hand forward, and a wave of water from the lake below came up and went straight towards haku. He jumped up into  the air and suddenly he was gone. You were confused. Where did he go? And before anyone could warn you a hand hit the back of your neck and you suddenly saw blackness.

(3rd pov)

(Y/n) fell forward and hit the ground harshly with a loud thump. Her breathing was faint and her eyes were closed. She wasn't moving. Sasuke looked over in a panic and was about to make a break towards her before a water clone of Zabuza beat him to it. He picked up her basically lifeless body and began to Cackle.

"What a pathetic excuse for the "protector" of our world." He sneered before tossing her off the bridge.

Kakashi's eyes widened as his Student, that he held close to his heart fall towards the water below. Sasuke was hysterical, trying is best to get away from Haku and help you, but it was too late. Haku trapped him into his ice prison and he couldn't escape. Sakura was stuck, she had to protect the bridge builder, but she desperately wanted to help you.

(1st person pov)

I woke up in the place I always go when I get in there sticky situations. The spirit world. I walked around to see if I could find Aang, to ask him for the advice I needed. I found him sitting among many animals, smiling faintly. He noticed my presence as he stood to up to meet me.

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