Forest of Chakra!

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Oof I'm watching this episode while writing so it can help me so yeet let's goooo


When you awoke you noticed that it was only you and Kakashi in the room, and it seemed he was just opening up his eyes as well.

"Waking up now? Are you feeling better?" The black haired lady asked Kakashi.

"I've been better. It'll be a week before I can move normally." He grunted while sitting up.

"And you?" The lady said, looking over at you now.

"Yeah, I'll be normal again in a bit. I'm still a little sore." You said, wincing as you sat up as well.

She looked back at Kakashi and had an emotionless face.

"Well it's better if you don't move then" She said looking down at him.

"Eh, right." He said before laying back down.

Then you heard footsteps so you pretended to still be asleep.

"Look, the sensei is coming around!" You heard Naruto say.
You could hear Sakura come and sit on her knees beside Kakashi and began to speak.

"Listen Sensei your Sharingan is amazing and everything but if it puts that much strain on you then maybe it's not worth it!" Sakura said to him.

"Yeah, but you did manage to weaken that powerful assassion for the kid to finish." Tazuna said, and you just took that as your que to wake up.

You fluttered your eyes open and grunted as you say up.

"(Y/n)!" Naruto exclaimed happily before crawling over and carefully hugging you, making sure to be gentle because of your injuries.

Sasuke looked over and looked relieved that you were okay, and Sakura crawled over to you as well. They kept the conversation going as it was but the two had just moved to sit beside you.

"Right, but that boy in the mask. What about him?" Sakura questioned

"He's from the elite tracking unit from the village hidden in the mist, those mask are only worn by the most elite Shinobi." Kakashi explained.

"What exactly do they do?" She asked.

"The ANBU black ops, known as the inferno squad, destroy all traces of a rouge ninjas corpse. The shinobi's body contains many secrets, jutsus, chakra,special medicines used on his body. He has the secrets of his village. If the enemy finds them people will be in grave danger. For instance, if I were to die by the hands of an enemy, he would try to analyze my Sharingan. In worst case, my entire jutsu could be stolen and used against our home village. This is the sacred duty of the shinobi trackers to prevent this and keep the village safe. If a ninja betrays their village they will hunt him down, eliminate him, and destroy every trace of his existence. That's their specialty." Kakashi said Darkly. Then he looked over at all of us.

"What did he do when he was disposing him?" Kakashi asked, hoping we had remembered. I knew, as I obviously saw this episode but it would be  awkward if I explained that I knew what happened when I was supposed to be at the bottom of a lake. I just kept my mouth closed.

"He just took him away." Sakura said.

"Strange, because they usually do an autopsy on the spot, and only need to take their head with them." Kakashi said.

"What did he use to kill him?" Kakashi asked us again.

"Throwing needles." Sasuke said, and he seemed to have a realization.

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