Journey to the land of waves!

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So I really wanna get to the Chunin exams faster to meet my bae Gaara, so I skipped the bell test. I hope you can forgive me!


We did many missions, Naruto getting hurt in almost all of them. It was pretty funny because they were simple tasks.

Well, now here you were, in the Hokage's Office getting the mission. I had been waiting for this one forever because I want to show off my Abilities. Yeah, Stupid I know but maybe I can learn something new.

Anyways, I sorta zoned out after Naruto started to talk about ramen. Then I smelled the scent of Alcohol. I scrunched my nose at the distasteful stench and walked over to the Hokage to Lean on him. He had become very accustomed to it, but Kakashi-Sensei was kinda weirded out that I was close to Grandpa.

Yeah, it might be but I'm trying to make it to where he won't die, or at least get people aware without making it seemed like I planned it or something.

Anyways the door opened and Tazuna stepped in a I ran over to join my group beside Naruto. They explained that he was our client and stuff like that, ya know the stuff you find in the actual plot that's boring.

"Who's the Short one with an Idiotic look on his face."

Naruto was still confused as fuck so I just sighed and walked over to stand near Tazuna, to protect him from that wrath that is Naruto.

He tried to destroy him but luckily I was there.

Disaster avoided, go me!

I quickly ran and gave the Hokage a hug before going to go with the others, who had started to go through the door.

Small time skip.

"I've never been outside the Village, I'm a traveler now!" Naruto exclaimed and I just chuckled, walking along side Kakashi-Sensei.

Tazuna gave a disappointing look and before he tried to say his line i interjected.

"Look, have a little faith. Kakashi-Sensei is here as well, and I'm not a bad fighter myself. The other two are good. Naruto may not seem like it but he has great potential. Just wait." I said before going to my silent mode again, handed cupped behind my back by my Sensei's side.

Tazuna grumbled, but kept silent.

Another quite small tS.

We were walking by and I noticed the puddle. I tugged at Kakashi-Sensei's shirt and when he looked at me I shifted my gaze towards the puddle as we passed.

He just nodded and we kept walking.

I then stopped walking. The other three beside me stopped in confusion.

Suddenly, Chains flew and wrapped themselves around Kakashi-Sensei, falsely tearing him in half.

"Protect the Bridge Builder!" I yelled out before springing into action.

I used a teleportation Jutsu and appeared in between them, sliding my legs under them both, with my legs into the splits. The earth followed my feet and buried them into the harsh ground.

They tried to use their weapons on me still but I made earth come up into triangle shapes on each side of their bodies, trapping their hands and lowering the ground so they were basically handcuffed the the floor.

Suddenly, clapping was heard and I turned to see Kakashi-Sensei coming out of  wherever he was hiding. Everyone was shocked that he was alive. I just smiled and walked over towards Naruto, where I stood next to him.

Looking down, I noticed Naruto still had the cut on his head. Ah, I guess it was something that couldn't be avoided. I took his Hand gently into mine and looked at him.

"Ya mind if I try something?" I asked, and he shook his head. His face was very read from our hand contact. I placed my hand over Naruto's Would and closed my eyes, Focusing. I felt his blood, but then I felt something else. I slowly started to remove my hand, a ooze if Purple liquid following my movement. Once it was all out It dropped to the floor. I opened my Canteen that I had brought with me that had my Spirit water in it and placed the water over Naruto's Hand. Everyone was amazed at the water as it Started to Glow, closing up the wound. After he was better I put the test back and wiped my hands on my pants.

Kakashi-Sensei patted my head and I smiled up at him. Sakura gave me a smile as well and Sasuke Smirked as usual.

"Hey (y/n) show me how to do that!" Sakura exclaimed, clinging to my arm. I just chuckled and looked ahead.

"Well you see I kinda can't, this is something only I can do." I said, thinking about my bending.

"So, no one can learn to Use water, Air and the other stuff without Handsigns" she asked, slightly disappointed.

"Unfortunately, Yes. This is something only I can do, and another person can do it only after I die." I said, Remembering the Avatar Logic.

"Why is that (y/n)?" Kakashi asked, as we know had walked while talking and was now on the boat.

"Well, have you heard of the Legend of the Avatar?" I asked, to which Kakashi and Tazuna nodded, while the others looked confused.

"Ah, That Legend is very old." Tazuna said, but then he looked at me with Shock.

"You mean to tell me you are the link between this world and the Spirit world?!" He exclaimed and everyone looked shocked.

"I suppose that could be how you describe it, though it is deeper then that. I am a Reincarnation, so my soul goes thousands of years back to the First Avatar. I have a Duty, which is to keep balance in the world. I have very special powers, and most I haven't Unlocked yet. I control the Elements, which is why I don't need hand signs. That's what we call Bending. It's like my body has always been one with the earth. Like I'm Connected, which I pretty much am. I can unlock many things, and I'm honestly excited to see how strong I can be" I finished off, looking at the Astonished looks of my team.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so important (y/n) - Chan." Naruto said, suddenly seeming to have way more respect then before.

"I guess, but I'm no different from you all. We all have a purpose here, mine was just something I couldn't choose." I explained and looked at them, knowing what their futures are. They all gave solum looks.

"Do you think that we'll meet the next Avatar?" Sakura said, looking over to meet my eyes.

I sighed and looked at the sky.

"Right when I die, my soul travels to another, making them the next Avatar. If I die early, you might even have a chance to befriend them!" I exclaimed, looking over at my Teammates.

"That wouldn't be worth it, (y/n) - Chan! It would be cool to meet them, but not without you. I'd take you in a heartbeat!" Naruto said, a small blush forming. Sasuke "hmed" in agreement."

A blush formed on my face and I stared at the ground.

These people really do care for me

This was a shorter chapter and I really hope you all can forgive me for that! Homework and school has been beating my ass and I'm just trying to keep my grades up. I'll try to make a another chapter when I have a free weekend!

Much love, Twix

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