Training continues!

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You woke up the next morning quite easily which was strange for you, considering the fact that you struggle to get up every morning. You groaned before rolling over and sitting up probably, stretching your arms into the air until a satisfying crack from your back was heard. Content, you sat up and quickly got dressed in your usual attire. you decided to head downstairs into the kitchen. No one was downstairs besides Tsunami, so you sat down at the table. She looked over from where she was preparing bowls of rice for everyone and smiled. You smiled back before grabbing onto the table in pain. You flinched and gritted your teeth in agony as Tsunami rushed towards you to assist you. Your arms tattoos were burning, and started to glow faintly. Then, as soon as it came, it was gone. you breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Tsunami.

"I'm fine now, but i don't understand what happened just now." You stated to her, and she seemed to nod and go back to where she was cooking.

(now we switch to your point of view)

"It might be something with your bending or chakra, you know?" She said before placing a meal down in front of me.

On the more plate-like bowl was steamed rice, Grilled fish and pickled vegetables. Then she placed a slightly smaller bowl beside me which was Miso soup. I smiled and waited for it to cool off as well as everyone else to come in. They all seemed to smell the food because they all came filing in one by one. Naruto was the first one, bouncing in all happy and ready to chow down. Sakura came in a little less enthused, walking in with a slight smile, ready for food as well. Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei walked in at the same time, both with a relaxed demeanor. I could tell Sasuke was trying not to look at me because he didn't want to turn red and make it noticeable. I wasn't embarrassed at all. Sure, he was one of my first anime crushes and i still have one on him but i'm really not gonna act like a little school girl over a kiss. Anyways, once everyone was seated and had a bowl and plate i put my hands together and smiled.
"Thank you for the meal!" I exclaimed, before picking up my chopsticks and started to dig in.
everyone else followed me as well.

(** i really don't want to write the scene about Inari's father, it gets me choked up and i feel more comfortable skipping it, thank you all so much, Txix <3)

After the whole breakfast and sad story, I was ready to just get out and work. I needed to practice my bending more, and I really don't feel like talking to anyone. I decided to go by the river and practice water bending, it seemed the calmest and I needed to relax. I crouched down by the water and closed my eyes. I wanted to listen to the flow. How it slightly shifted. Like the chakra in our bodies. My eyes snapped open as i thought of something. I really want to fuse my bending with my chakra. That would make my bending attacks more powerful and i don't have to use it if i'm trying to save chakra.  I thought about how to do it for awhile before deciding to try. i bender water into my hand and formed a ball. it was spinning really fast, but then i closed my eyes. I wanted to see my chakra going into it, becoming one. What does my chakra look like? I imagine a blue, like the water. I imagine it mixing into the water to make something powerful. I opened my eyes and almost had a heart attack. The water was still spinning in a sphere shape, but it was glowing, like how my tattoos do. It was so powerful you could see the lightning come off it a little bit.I looked around and saw a rather large boulder. I chucked my chakra sphere at it and once it hit the Boulder it was gone. Mini pieces of rock came flying as the boulder was destroyed. I laughed in accomplishment, then i heard clapping from behind. I quickly turned to find Kakashi- Sensei behind me with a wide eyes. I nervously chuckled before laughing and scratching my head. He then walked closer and raised his hand. I closed my eyes, thinking he was going to hit me for destroying something but he pat my head. I opened my eyes to look up at him.
"Nice work (Y/n)." he said while closing his eyes, so i assumed he was smiling. i smiled back at him. I looked over and the sun was already setting.
"Man, where does the time go?" i asked while watching it sink below the horizon. He looked as well before speaking.

"It goes away fast when you're hard at work. That was a really interesting trick (Y/n),  with more practice that can be a really deadly move." Kakashi-sensei said as he looked down at me again. I just nodded and sighed, then my stomach growled loudly. We both laughed as i pat it.

"All that hard work made me hungry, and i'm ready to eat." I complained and He nodded in agreement.

We both walked back to the house and instantly the smell of food hit me. My mouth began to water as I walked to the dining room where everyone was already at. Naruto looked at me and smiled really wide before jumping up and hugging me.

"Where have you been (Y/n)!!! I haven't seen you like all day!" He whined loudly into my ear while hanging on to me. I just smiled and patted his head.

"I've been training all day and i'm hungry." I laughed." He did too and got off me to sit back down and patted the seat next to him, wanting me to sit there. I walked over and sat down. In front of me was Sasuke, who was trying not to look me in the eye but I ignored it. He'll want to talk when we're alone.  Tazuna and Kakashi were talking, Inari was to my right just sitting, and Naruto was to my left. Sasuke was infront of me and Sakura beside him. Everyone else took the other spots.  Tsunami made us a nice dinner with Udon Noodles in a Miso based broth, Salmon, Onigiri, and some pickled Vegetables. You all enjoyed the meal, eating and laughing before it was time to go to bed.

(3rd person)

You were walking towards your shared room with Sakura from the bathroom when a hand pulled you into a unknown room from the darkness. You figured it was Sasuke, and you were right. He pulled you into him to give you a hug and to smell your hair, wet from the bath.

" I missed you" he mumbled from your shoulder. You smiled and rubbed his back.
he held you like this for a few more minutes before speaking again.

" I would stay this way but they'll start to get suspicious" He said before kissing your forehead and walking out.  You waited a bit before walking out as well. You were about to walk into your room when a hand grabbed your shoulder. It was Naruto. He pulled you into a hug.

" I miss sharing a room with my best friend." He mumbled before hugging you tighter. you hugged back and kissed his head.

"it's okay Naruto, we'll be roommates again as soon as this mission is over, okay?" You comforted him and it seemed to work. He nodded before letting you go and walking towards his room. However, before he walked in he turned around.

"Goodnight (Y/n), I love you."

You smiled before opening your door as well.

"Goodnight Naruto, I love you too."  You both when in your rooms and lied down to sleep.


I'm going to publish another chapter soon! but i hope this is worth the read for you guys!!

i love you all, twix <3

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