- Seven -

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I was back at the coffee shop the next following day. All of my friends had left and I found out I was in duty of working Tuesdays through Fridays, at least 8 hours a day.

Thursday morning, I came into the shop in-now-the cream aprons that uniform is into the Jack Spriggins trademark. Bodhi is there again, and I'm lesson in my day to be going good. He's fixing elements in behind the workstation, bumping his head on something before he stands back up to see me.

"Oh, hey." He smiles, rubbing his head.
"Hi," I greet. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, just fixing up stuff to have more of an organization for what I'd be working with. Wouldn't want the line holding." He replies, doing a few extra rummaging before mooring his attention on me.
"How do you like your job so far?" He asks, his deep voice welling me into shrivels.
"I find it pretty good, a time to get out of the day." I answer, trying to hold my derpy smile, probably looking creepy.

The shop opens, more people walking in, probably on their way to work or just as a sooth for their morning. Could be both, but I was stationing with formalized men and women looking like they've had their soul sucked out of their body. Now, I did enjoy being so close to my favorite drink and possibly Bodhi, but I didn't want to seem like this clingy teenage girl acting like some Justin Bieber fan, cause I didn't want to exaggerate my components into having him thinking aggravated thoughts.

So I kept my distance, rolling when my elbow would accidentally hit his bicep, playing it off like I was reaching for the caramel sauce. My second day's going pretty well so car, as close to what I would think as hardworking effort. Then there's a stop of the passing people and Bodhi exhales heavily into a sigh.

"Okay, lunch break." He says, before I turn my head to look at him like he's bonkers.
"What?" I speech.
"At Jack o' Beans, the coworkers always get a lunch break, 12:20 to 12:45, the customers would know this, so after we're done, we get back to work." He explains, opening a mini fridge of what was behind the bar.

I didn't know we could bring lunch, or I didn't read the rest of Cara's text when she was telling about work hour shifts for the job. I just buy one of the bakeries that are sitting in the cases and eat at another one of the tables. Bodhi settles across from me, bringing his lunch along with him as I continue eating. I was stuttering between bites, afraid if I was accidentally chewing with my mouth open, but I didn't want act my way out of things so I awkwardly continued eating.

"Felicity-right?" He begins before I nod my head. "You seem interesting, never seeing you before, finding yourself at a coffee place. Would you say if there's any individuals significant into leading you in a certain subject?"
I didn't expect him to question an informational graph on me, but if it could start off into us being friends, I had pleasure in doing so.
"Um," I start. "Well, I have these friends that are really party-goers. It seems like they have an experience on everything, and seeing that I'm in a kinda callow state, it's like mothering them into pushing me in some otherworldly crap.....why?"

I'm contacted to his viridescent eyes, my guards high at stake again, but I can't help it, I didn't want to be trapped and even some of the nicest ones are the deadliest.

"I always have an intrigue on when I'm meeting someone. I wouldn't want to be complete strangers and it's not like the person's passenger to me, two affiliations pointing guns at each other?" I respond in a laugh, finding his nature somewhat content.
"Ya know," I regain my gut. "There is a party Saturday night one of my friends are planning on doing. Mind joining?"

His gaze is thinking itself in a sort of different directions, and it slightly has me nervous. He swipes a large hand through his hair before he replies.

"Well I could try out of companionship. Where is it?" He asks.
"It's by Lake drive, down the corner from where the park is. You shouldn't miss it, it's a large mansion I'm sure bundled up with crowds of people." I inform him.
"Ok, I'll see what I can do. Would you need a ride?" I feel my heart beat start to freakishly pulsate but I face my composure.
"My friends might intake for a ride, but I'll let you know." I reply.
"Know as in?"

We transfer phone numbers, as associates I guess, and I promised that I'd affirm to him any news locally to the party. Hopefully things would go well, I want to have a nice start off between us to even grow any type of status. I'm afraid if he already has a significant, an opposing sexuality, or if he just rejects me in general. I couldn't mandate his mind into certain decisions, but there was a such thing as decisive futures into any outcome that could function by a person's behavior, would I have to transform that?

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