Chapter 12

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A/N: Sorry for not updating. I was not in my regular condition. I have this on what they called, 'anemic' thingy. I feel dizzy everytime. Then a gone a busy week in school. I'm so sorry.

So here it goes. :)



"Hey Zayny.. Hi Perrie.." Louis greeted us as we enter Liam's pad. We said our hello's to him.

"Babe, i'll just go there as the lounge... okay?" I said to Perrie.

"Sure.. I'll just talk to Dani." then she left me. To be honest, i go directly outside. Take a cigarette.

Minutes later. There's a car... A new car... Of Harry.

Harry came out first then walking to the other side door. Opened it and.... i saw Nicole... I was choked by the smoke i was taking... I cough and cough... Nicole saw me, he ran at me..

"What's wrong????!" she asked me.

"Ehem! ehem! ... I.. i'm so sorry..."

"Please don't smoke again. It can cause you die!... "

"Ah.. i'm sorry..." I said to her.. I was still staring at her beautiful face. "You look beautiful.." I continued.

"Beautiful your ass. Have you already said that to your girlfriend? Oh. By the way, we gotta go.. See you later. Come Hazz.." Then they left me. Really? I haven't said to Perrie that she's beautiful today. I'm such a stupid!!!


Nicole's POV

This must be a productive day! I wear this cute pink tube dress that my mum buy this from her fashion designer bestfriend. It was one of my favorite dresses eveeeerrr! 

Harry fetched me here because i still didn't know where Liam's pad located. I remember what had just he told me yesterday.... The necklace.. I wonder who's that girl that will be Harry's new girl.. hmmm? Still hoping... That.... nevermind. Who am I to dream to be with Harry's?

As Harry opened the door, I saw Zayn coughing for smoking. He's such a fool. Does he know that it can cause him die? 

We enter Liam's pad. There are not many people in it. It was like... Selected people.. I saw Dani, Eleanor, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Perrie...

Perrie walked closer to me, like we're friends but seriously?... NOT.

"Hi... So, you must be Nicole??"

"How'd you know that? You're stalking me?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. I studied her from head to toe. He looks like a clown. Too make up on her face. A FACE IS NOT A COLORING BOOK! OKAY?! 

"Oh hahaha. Yeah, when you and Zayn were still together... I saw a bunch of pictures of you.. So how's life going?"

"...Pretty good..." I wink at her. When suddenly, Zayn came in and all of our eyes were at him.

"WHAT? Is there something wrong?" He asked. We just laugh..

"No Zayny poo. You look so cute today..." Perrie replied. HEY! THAT'S HOW I CALLED ZAYN.. BEFORE... Okay it was just before but she stole that nickname. It was created by me!!!! Seriously? I think there's such people that i should punch the face.

"So, Niall.. Where's your girl?" Dani asked Niall.

"Sad to say, i eat her. That's how i love her... Look..." Then he eats a couple of pancakes. All of us laughed.


Harry's POV

"Hey Niall, help me now please..? I'm nervous...."

"Your such a kid.. Of course i'll help you.. You're the best... "

Niall handed the microphone then stand in the middle. 

"Hello everyone! First of all i would like to say that Happy Birthday to my Baby Liam sitting beside Danielle and Nicole..." Niall said then Liam stand. All of the visitors claps at him... "And i would like to announce something... Please come over Ms. Nicole Tayl.. and Mr. Harry Styles..." 

I was really shaking.... and nervous at the same time... When both of us were about to stand in the middle... He suddenly holds my hand.. And my nervousness was gone... All that i know is that, whenever i was with her, everything was at peace and she lightens up my world... like nobody else...

"You ready Harry?" Niall asked. I nodded.

He handed me the microphone. I took a deep breath before asking Nicole...

Everyone's eye was on us. I can see it that they have no idea on what was going on, either Liam, the birthday boy..

Before i was to say any word... Nicole smiles at me... That smile is really a nervous reliever.. 

I cautiously kneel at her.... All of them gasp also Nicole.

"What are you doing?" Nicole whispered at me.

"Just wait..." I replied and gave her a smile.

I pick the necklace on my pocket.. Okay.. This is the time now..... 

"Will you be my girlfriend Nicole?" Everyone gasps and yelled 'AWWWWW'. I looked at them and my gaze turned on Zayn's face.. He looks down and forced to smile... Then wiped a tear on his face. He's crying? But....What will i do? He's my mate... I felt my heart was on the pain.. Will i gonna continue this or should i stop now... cause my mate is like... Regretting everything!

"Will i say yes to this lovely guy??" Nicole asked facing them.. Everyone keeps nagging her to say yes, except Zayn... Perrie was in her mood. He joined the nagging fest.

Nicole smiled at me... Handed the mike....

"Yes Harry... Yes.. " I smiled at her. I jump out of joy. I saw Nial clapping so hard as it must gonna be loud as he wants. 

I opened the box. And fit the necklace on her.. He looks really beautiful. Real beauty was found in her. Then i kissed her on the lips. I can feel her smile on it. I just love her so much.. I will do the things Zayn can't and I'll protect her no matter what.

In my surprise, Zayn stand up on his seat holding a glass of wine.

"CHEERS FOR THE NEW COUPLE!" He yelled. I wrapped my arms around Nicole's waist. I just really love her.. I just want her to be mine forever...


Zayn's POV


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