Chapter 19

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So yeah. I was put on a white bed on what they called it and my half body wasn't on the bed like it was being hanged. I'm tiiiiirrrrreeeed.

The moment when the doctor and the nurses came in the room, i had a feeling that this baby would come out like... now. Right now.

"Push it.. come onnnn!" the nurse at my side yelled.

It took me minutes before taking him out... I smiled.

"Look. He's a cute little boy...." the doctor said to us.. I smiled at them.

"I'm so thankful... ow wait what..." i feel something in my body.

"There's another baby!" the nurse said. But how? Why? I thought it was just only one baby!

I gave in. How was this happened? We have 2 children? But.. hhow.. How could i tell Zayn all of this? I'm scared but happy.

"A boy... YOU HAVE TWINS Miss Tayl!" The doctor yells. The nurses in the room clap and congratulate me. It's a pleasure to have these babies. I'm so happy. I can't explain these feelings. I'm so thankful for the people who were at my side since in the beginning until now. I love them. I can't wait to tell Ash, Cena and my parents about this!!

"What a great present for my birthday..." I said to them. They all gasp.

"REALLY? Same birthdays? That's great.. I'm so happy for you!!" the nurse said to me then the others greeted me Happy Birthday, I smiled at them.

"Thank you guys. I'm so really happy today.." i said to them then they hugged me.

"GROUP HUG FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL LADY!" the doctor yelled then they hugged me. I don't know how to thank these peoples surrounding me. :)

A/N: The picture of the twins. xx they're so adorableeeee. :):)


"What do you want to name your first baby Ma'am?"

"Zac Calum... ahm and the second one will be... uhmmm.... Watcha think Ash?"

"I protested, Zayn Javadd.."


"What? It would gonna be nice... you know.. The father..."

"Fine.... It will be Zayn Javadd.."

"Okay. I'll leave now. Bye... And by the way, i love your babies! They look cute together! You may check them in the nursery room now if you want... Bye. " The lady said.

"Would we??" I ask.

"It would be nice! Let's go." she replied giggly. Uhm wait. I'm the mother right? Hahahah. She looks excited than me. Hmm. Anyway, Ash is 5 month pregnant. I wish Cena was here.. :(


"Ohmygoood. My angels!" I yelled.

"They're so cuuuuuuuute!!!!!" Cena said at the back.

"Well, guess who's late." Ash said in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry babe. I got from the mall to buy fruits for you... and... Congrats Genna for those cutie babies. I never expected that... they were twins!" Cena said.

"Thanks. I'm so such a happy mother. I'm so really happy... " i replied.

I pick up my phone and took a pictures of them two. I suddenly realize that they both have blonde hair. How that was happen? Hmm. Oh well. I just love them. I'm so proud mumma! I can't stop smiling while looking at them. I love theeeeem... As how i love their father...


"Genna? Uhmm... John's here..."

"Oh. Let him come in... ZAC!! ZAYN!! Uncle John is here!"

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