Chapter 15

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A/N: There's a new character in this chapter.... :):)


That Perrie shit stole my guy! Ooohhhhh I'm tempted to do something bad.

Perrie hugged Zayn like a slut but i saw Zayn's face like, 'stop this you fucker' with a sad face. Zayn looks... SAD.


Harry's POV



So i'm now going to ask her why was this relationship seems cold. It's been 1 and a half month..

I pulled her near the other side of the cinema.

"Uhm... Is everything alright...?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're being cold.."

"... Cold? For what?.."

"In our relationship...."

"Oh.... I... i don't get it..." She replied. I sighed.

"Let's just... Let's just go home. I'm not feeling well..."

"Stay more at my house, you want?"

"Nahh.. I'll just go get some sleep. I'm tired.

"Tired for what..?"

"Tired.. for.... job. You know, recording the new album.." I lied. It's been tired of being hurt. I saw Nicole and Zayn happy together, but nowadays, Nicole with me? Just like a friend.

* * * * * * * * * *

I went to the bar. Exactly 7pm. Just having fun. No pains, just fun. Enjoy life. Life is short to be seeing out miserable.

"Hey you sweety.." A stripped girl sat on my lap.. She's hot!

"H..Hi you sexy."

"Wanna come over?.."

"What? Where?" I replied then drink a beer.

She walked away then looked at me. I followed her. We reached an abandoned room. What am i doing? In a sudden, she unbuttoned my shirt, licked my chest until she reached my lips. Then.. Kissed me. I kissed her back. She unbuttoned my pants then we laid down the bed. *You know now what happens okay.*

* * * * * * * * * *

I woke up seeing myself at the bed with this girl. in just a minute, she wakes up too.

"Oh my goood. My head hurts!" she complained.

"Ya. Errr.. What's your name?" I asked smiling.

"HARRY STYLES? Ow shht. Did something happen?"

"Of yeah... We're just drunk.. that's why.."

"I'm Nica.. Nice to see you mister.." She replied then kissed me on the cheeks.

"So, you're a tripper here?"

"No.. I just need do this job because i need to live. I have no family and friends and--- OH WHAT AM I SAYING. I TOLD MYSELF NOT TO TELL EVERYONE."

"It's okay. You can trust me... Go on."

"Like i was saying, i have no family and friends. They left me in my Auntie when i was 7 until i reach 19 then she left me. I dunno where she goes. So... i have no choice. I must have this job to live... " Then she cries silently. "I slept everywhere. Sometimes, i need to beg others just to take a shower at their house. I eat with myself alone, i just borrowed some clothes to my co-dancer here.... and..." she cried again.

Sweet Loving Lass (Zayn Malik Fan fiction) -COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now